Sunday, March 10, 2013

busy week doin nothing

this week never really meet dear cos he busy with work ;( so sian ! meet up with him only on mon for korean dinner ! seriously groupon vochur always got trick. We might think that the vochur value might be alot, but in fact when we ordered the food, its freaking ex, tat's why they gave us a higher value. was bloody full after the dinner

tues rush off to post office to get my dress after work and get some ointment for my dad cos his legs are kinda suffering, cant really decided to get some painkillers for him, but apparently its not tt strong enough so bo bian have to see doctor, if not he totally cant walk.

wed went for my first yoga class ever ! the class is call hot flow. yes it can make you sweat bloody alot cos the room is bloody hot like sauna , no wonder they call it a hot flow class. my body was aching terribly after the class cos i overstrectched i guess. didnt exercise for one yr plus liao.suddenly so shiong exercise confirm cant tahan..and i went the wrong class cos its the most difficult class and i have no basic, so naturally i cant catch up with their pace. yes i totally look like a noob there. ;( but doubt i will want to go for any yoga class in future. Not fun at all. find it kinda torturing to stretch myself.

Thur went to IT to look out for any TV but apparently end up nv buy again cos tt mum cant make a decision

Fri went for a hair cut and rush to the post office to get my blazer ! looks like everyday my life after work is so boring !!!

another wk has passed and i hate my mum seriously. cant tahan her stupid mouth and stuborness ! cant really communicate with her. she is really unreasonable and dumb. keep wanting me to pei her go buy TV when i already checked it out for her on Thur. I know that she confirmed wont buy de so why waste my time keep seeing when she wont buy..seriously its wasting my time travelling so far and my point is she wont buy at all. she want smart tv and must be 40 inch and must be cheap ! must be below $800 !! how to get that price !!! zzz seriously what's the point of getting a smart tv now when its so smart..all we need is just a normal to watch tv..why act tt atas when you are not even rich !!! seriously !!!

keep saying dump the bf find a better richer bf.. i am not gg to accept him..what's the point of rich ! only oneself capable of earning money urself can be called capable. parents rich are useless, cos eventually at the end of the day, the guy still have to survive on his own. she just wanna leech benefits from ppl..come on la, you are so free at home, why dun u go and work !!! why should a 65 old man even have to earn and support you ! my dad can already retire le but he has to work just to feed you !!! seriously..zzzz come on la, you hope to get your citizenship when you have no contribution to the nation, how can it be possible ! unless you are really lucky.. 

i really cant tahan her anymore !!! argh !!!!

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