Sunday, March 31, 2013

~Its been some time since i last updated ~

last week was somehow a nice and fast week since its was an MC week, so no need work that much..and weekend comes really fast. and yes last fri was sort of drinking night but in fact it turn out to be testing alcohol night as i dont really like alcohol, so to me, free flow alcohol is equally useless.

last weekend was fun at least as i went to JB instead of staying at home surfing net and blogshop. So went to play paintball and ate my favourite xiao long was awesome for food wise..paintball is bloody paintful and i so lucky got shot at my neck and got bruise at the neck it turn out to be really like a love bite.zzz but nvm la i didnt blame my friend cos it was not on purpose. then after paintball we tried a few arrows for the achery. I would say that its really very tiring and shag man. Its easier than said cos pulling the arrows really made your arms rally very suan and tiring. overall the trip was fun i would say although really dirty and tired.

then this week was really a whole busy week was entertainment after work.mon went for my first facial on my entire life.its was painful so i dont really like. and that dumb dear really signed up for a package plan which cost ard $3k+ ..zzzz he really too soft hearted liao..the stupid sales girl keep say and convince him non stop , but i cant be bothered cos ppl like me confirm wont buy one.cos i not so stupid. then tues went for movie show. was really perfect ! thur went for shoes warehouse sales..zzz totally bought nothing cos its not really cheap and they advertise til like very very cheap.. ;( then my weekend activities ended off with a play at the arts house..seriously go there waste time and sleep one. cos i totally dont understand the play from the start til the end. either my english too cui or arts play just not for me. and you will be amazed by those tai tai who come and watch the many indian tai tai dress like super grand, really like those queen that we see in bollywood me, i really tink abit too kua zhang liao la.its just a show, need to wear until so over meh..

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