Sunday, February 17, 2013

~i am a happy girl celebrating vday with my dear dear ~

last week was a real short week for work. finally felt that i had rested enough.dark rings also lightened alot since all i did in CNY was just sleeping for almost 10 hrs everyday. yes in short, i would say my CNY was kinda sucky. i receive $0 this even a single cent.but its ok with me. always its been lik that since i was young. so i doesnt matter to me.

actually wed i was supposed to go back to work, but i wanted a long break plus it was our 1.5 yrs anniversary. so wanted to take leave for it.But i kind of felt wasted to use it as leave, so i no choice but to use MC instead since my colleagues do take MC occasionally.i should use this privilege given to me also..hehe shall not waste it.but i wont use it that often unless i am really sick cos i feel bad lying to the doctor especially when i am not sick. So i dun have a choice but to use headache. The zhuan dao thing is that even before i requested an mc from the doctor, he already say: ok i will give you an MC today. Wa when i heard that i was damn happy.cos he auto give me without me telling him..but i got a feeling he knows that i am lying.but who after taking MC my day is finally more relaxed as i need not worry for producing MC for that day being absence from work.

so after visiting the doctor, went to dear house. He cook for me and DIY strawberry cake. hehe got touched dao and can feel his ai xin ;) the most amazing part is the ice ring.kay such stupid idea only he can think of.i cant even thought of that lo..actually really wanted to do something for vday de but my art and craft kinda sucks..wanna buy gift still haven found one nice one. hmm perhaps i go goggle something that i can DIY and give dear dear. At night we went catch a long nv watch movie with dear lo cos he always end work so late.

Then the following day, i went back to work.then at nite was the actual went for a photoshoot with dear. kinda pei seh cos the photographer waited really long for him to come as they are closing soon. yup, that day i made an effort to dress nicely cos last yr i rmb i disppointed dear by wearing some causual girraf top then he was totally sian diao liao.this yr my theme for him will be hot and sexy gf.haha. But my point is my sexy cant last long cos after that day, i revert back to my normal lazy self..actually i dun like to dress up unless got occassion. So people normally will see my cui cui side, but if i wanna dress up with make up, i will look kinda different from my usual style.
Then fri after work met up with my jc friends. This is how short the week is. Nice week but next week will be back to normal again ;(

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