Sunday, February 24, 2013

week of torture

life kinda hell for me. really cant tahan that bloody mum. keep spaming me calls after 6pm.cos she always thought that i am with dear when sometimes i am really with my friends. she felt that my world just revolve around my bf which is not really the case..yes really fed up with her so i always shout at her whenever i reach home..she is just too free, tats why keep spamming us calls..come on la, i am nt your dog or whatever always need to listen to you. so what you gave birth to me, i just cant tolerate your way of doing things. seriously no once can ever tahan 20 calls a day within a few hours.. and those calls are really prank calls / just to call you for shuang..these calls just irritates me and sometimes she can realy call til my hp really low i am really fed up with her. duno why dear still can tahan her. i really blow my top today and threw her favourite "praying radio" on the floor today as i wanted to teach her a lesson for throwing my stuff away when i still want it. i wan her to know the pain of losing the stuff that i still want. plus i really shouted like a mad women cos she really blew my top and test my patience liao..she really hit my tolerance level until i blew up my top all at one shot.

yesterday was having met up with my jc peeps..finally had lao yu sheng cos this yr my cny celebrate really get no ang bao and no lao yu sheng and no nice food.its that pathetic. then at nite went to shop for dear's wallet.

another week has past and i was really really sad and fustrated this week over my mum..seriously i really wanna leave this family badly. dont even want to stay with her once i get out of the house. perhaps wont even come back to visit her if she continue to be like tat.serioiusly no one can ever tahan her with this kind of attitude..duno why my dad is really the kindnest man ever to ever marry her.

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