Sunday, February 03, 2013

~very dark eye rings :( ~

last week was a sian week cos nothing to do and i didnt want to go home early so decided to go sch..home is the last place that i will head to as i cant stand the noisy and naggy mum..once i reach home, she will keep on nagging and scolding for whatever absurd reasons or whatever fault that she can find with people like me of cos wont go home and tolerate her nonsense.

seriously duno why she has become like tt since last time.mouth seriously nv get to shut a single day..all she knows is to scold and scold..zzzz everyday keep niam same thing..ask me dun be with eug..ask me find richer and better looking guys..come on la, money cant buy everything la.i happy with who i am can le.why bother so much abt my life..its me who is gg to get married in furture not you !!! seriously i dun understand why she keep wanting to spoil our relationship..come on, she piss me really off when she kept on spamming calls at dear..10 over calls..zzz no one can tahan this kind of people de lo..i can get 20 over calls in a day just from her..i know tat she always like to do tt so i nv ever pick up her call before..sometimes when i working also call..zzz angry sia.she already know i working why still bother to call ask about lame stuff.CAN YOU PLEASE BE MORE CONSIDERATE !!!!

sian leh i find my life so bored now..everyday surf blogshop also cant entertain me in the long run..there will be a day when i wil get sian one..piano damn long also nv touch liao..duno why just no motivation to touch the piano at all.perhaps i never like piano when i was young since i was forced to take up piano and learn the hard way to pass the piano exams. i liked pop songs but my mum never allowed me to play them cos she will scold whenever i played them for fun..all i play was exam pieces tt are meant for tt seriously how would i learn.i only play songs tt i go for is not considered learning lo.

tis weekend got so bored so stayed at home surf net..and sleep more cos my dark rings really dark..damn sad lo cos i didnt have this problem when i was studying last time..ever since i started working my dark rings turned really darked like panda now..i should take care of my eyes now man..shall aim to sleep at 11.30 the lastest for now.

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