Sunday, April 07, 2013

why is my home always like a battle war ;(

this wk was really a horrible week for me cos i hate the feeling of going home and face that women..go out late also kao bei, stay at home also kao bei. what you want me to do !!!! stay at home say i waste electricity, cant on light unecessary cos i am not studying anymore..whatever i do is personal stuff..zzz go out late also spam me and bf calls !!! seriously how to tahan man. i need to have a life leh.whatever i do also kan bu shuang of me.really damn fann liao.everyday just dont feel lik gg home..really hating her more and more..seriously no one can really tahan her this attitude man.unreasonable and tink she is the king of everyone who controls everything. be it money or anything. seriously i hate ppl keep throwing my things and touching my things when i still want it. and she hid my letter secretly for almost a month when ytd i saw it in the drawer then i really scolded and scream at her..cos ask her so many times if got any of my letter..she keep saying dun hv..end up she kept it secretly..damn bloody angry..she say she wont allow me to giv the ticket to my bf..wan giv my bro when he comes back..pls la, after my bro is back the ticket only left 2 days to expire..damn selfish man ! and moreover when my bro land he confirm no time to watch movie.he has so many things to do.

this wk was the relaxing week..didnt go anywhere in fact..only met up with dear for GBGS eat sushi at itacho cos its $0.80 after 9pm so we camp for it !! haha its really not in fact cos the salmon really thick !!

cant wait for next wk for my bday surprise getaway !!

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