Sunday, May 25, 2008

~earthquake in si chuan ~

fri decided to go home earlier rather than finishing up my work cos i am seriously sian man.sat was nuahing the entire day as usual and doing up my appeal letter for NTU..i have been cracking my head reali much just for tat stupid letter, and i am seriously sian of writing tat 50 words limit for appeal cos it seems to me tat its pointless to write cos reults is all they care.
sun was out to settle my brother stuff for his appeal letter..i gonna meet his doctor friend to get his signature. hai~ this is sickening cos i hate to do such mafan things for him..anyway i still got to do cos afterall its his appeal wat and he is not in to go for now, cos i am having dinner at hyatt hotel with my company ppl liao..anyway its has finially rain !!! so rashes are gone le..

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