Monday, May 05, 2008

my volunteer day !

my company colleagues
me and my dept

haven been blogging for a week le..last wed had our farewell party at my small boss house and its kinda not bad la..though i didnt reali sing alot cos one of my colleague practically "snatch and occupy" the entire mike, so dun reali have a chance to sing except onli for a chinese song nia.yeah,tat night really ate lots of pizza seh til my stomach like cant reali digest man.but anyway i still think the whole event was quite fun and funny la though those colleagues of mine are not my age and somehow they are nice to mix around with la.
thur was a public holiday and i was at home nuahing away..yeah, quite shoik huh..fri was out on an excursion.its kinda sian and disappointing actually..cos everyone is kinda segregated and we dun reali stay united at all..though we did have a gd and expensive lunch but somehow it was pointless cos everyone dun reali make it a point to get to know each other better.we cleaned up the beach for aroung 45 mins, after which went cycling le.after the event finishes, my dept went to tampines to play bolling and i am the lousiest player among them..aiyo..after which went to expo sales before meeting yk at night to shop for yan hui bday present.
that chalet on sat nite was quite sian too cos there is hardly anyone tat i know except for my went there just to eat and chat with ppl tat i know.ok tat's all for today..

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