Monday, May 12, 2008

~i am veri veri stress!~

oh man, i am super duper stress now so so many many things to do til i cant take it.and worst still now, my colleague is oversea for training, so all her email will be forwarded to me, so i hardly got time to do something and reply on the mails.hai~sian..
sat early morning had piano lesson, after which went for the NTU talk for my course at the raffles convection..seriously i find tat the talk was super boring and its a session of selling their course.but the buffet was excellent cos its from swiss hotel..oh man, the pastries was damn gd and seriously i have never eaten such gd pastries b4..oh man, but i think i am gonna gain lots of weight after eating those many slices of chocolate chilled cake..=(
after which went for shopping and i think i have wasted lots of money on assessories man cos i never spent so much money on assesories before, but since i thought tat the shop was reali high class and the things are reali ex, but since they are having a sale and it seems quite reasonable, so i decided to bought it..and i bought 2 dresses on tat day too !! after these,went to gin house to celebrate her 21st bday..though the food was reali nice, but since i had my lunch and dinner at the swiss hotel liao, so i didnt relai eat much at her house..
sun was a packed day too cos during the evening went out with tanu to chit chat and eat dinner.apparently eventually we didnt cos the kopitam was too crowded with abit sian to find somewhere else to eat man.ok, i am super tired liao for todae.i guess i have more hectic things to do after i reach home. =(

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