Tuesday, May 13, 2008

~kinda dun feel like working~

hai~i am seriously damn sian of working now man cos things kept on piling on when i cant finish my work and it seems tat work forever cant finish de sia.hai~i hope my colleague faster come bac then i can no need reply and read customer emails which take quite a lot of time man.
then yesterday was left with too much work to do til i have to do OT, so ended up i have late for the gathering.and yesterday my mood isnt veri gd cos my colleague kept on rushing me to do my stuff, but i got thousands email to read, so sian la!! but in the end i still complete before i go off cos i cant possbily go off just like this.anyway yesterday the dinner was kinda so-so nia, went to fish and co and seriously the guy who served us are damn funny cos his expression is damn funny la,so i relai cant control myself and laugh out in front of him.hehe.my friend said tat i am bad, but i relai cant control la !! anyway yesterday had a long chat with wp after the dinner.yeah, it seems tat she knows my plight reali well.

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