Sunday, November 25, 2007

~the kbox session~

yesterday was out again til 11.30pm then reach home..early morning went out to cut hair at ang mo kio tat area..oh man, all could i say is tat i look like a nerd now !! yes, its super duper ugly cos my frings is super short now..if i have known tat i look veri ugly with tat veri short fringe then i wouldnt ask the auntie to cut until so, i reali dun feel like stepping out of the house with tat ugly hairstyle cos i reali look like a china girl this time round if i never style my hair..oh shit lah, tml i am starting work liao, and i have no choice tat i have to go out of the house to work..its kinda sian to travel so far to work (even further than the route tat i took to sch in jc)...hai~if not for yh working over there, i would confirm reject to take up tat job..cos i thought tat with friends around, my working day would be more enjoyable at least..i reali wonder how the workplace would be like..i pray hard tat those ppl are easy to get along with..
bac with yesterday, after tat hair cut,i went to town again to sing kbox again for consecutive days, so i am kinda sian. i am pretty amazed by the voices of some of my classmates especially when i never heard them sing before cos sch never reali have a place for singing session or rather we never had a singing class..i like the way wee ping sings cos her voice is reali damn nice and her voice can reali stretch to those reali high pitch..and sorry i cant cos i find tat my singing sucks and i cant read those ancient chinese words..moreover my chinese isnt tat strong since its been yrs since i last touch chinese..somehow mind reali get rusty for chinese..haha..i think my those friends often go kbox, no wonder they are so pro in singing lah and it seems tat they remember all the lyrics in their mind le, tat's why they can follow the beat of the song, for me, i cant cos i dun remember any lyrics de, so i kept having breakage halfway through the song..
one of my friend also brought her first bf along to intro..haha, first impression not bad..quite friendly and nice to get along..both of them are the first one for one another, so i find it kinda sweet..seeing how sweet the guy was towards my friend, i reali feel like being in love..haha..yup, yesterday also happen to see an autogragh session at the ceni leisure kbox, the place where we sing k yesterday..tat taiwan ou xiang wang chuan yi looks better in person than in shows..not to mention tat he is super shuai and have super sharp and nice features.all of us sing k for 2 to 8pm and after which proceeded to have our dinner at some hong kong cafe..damn, i feel tat i have kana cheated for the food i pay cos the food taste quite bad though it is a restaurant..and moreover its not cheap after adding the service tax and GST..$9 for a plate of fried rice and the fried rice is not fried rice at all..its just pure normal plain rice with fried funny thing tat happened in the restaurant was one of my friend was super stingy and the actions tat he made are just too over..yes, it is gd to be thrifty and be budget, but not too over lah..somehow yesterday he "Clear"up the food tat both me and weeping couldnt finish and my friends gave him a nickname known as rubbish bin..but i find tat its kinda bad lah cos its not too nice to call ppl like tat mah...i think the guys cant stand him given the expressions tat they show cos most of us find him too calculative liao lah..for me, i was just down there laughing non stop cos i never seen a guy so jialat before..haha..i duno this virtue of his is a gd or bad thing..maybe to certain extent it is gd ba..aiya i duno also lah..
hai~I duno if should i look forward to work or not cos i reali havent rest enough leh, it seems tat i haven gotton enough sleep everyday cos one of the friend say i look veri tired..i also duno wat i am busy with everyday despite there is no studies now.todae i just went to NTU to meet up with yh..they are now ending their papers soon and somehow i reali fear of uni life, cos most of them say tat uni life is not easy..oh man, for now i reali fear for the grades tat i will get this yr..

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