Sunday, December 02, 2007

~my new workplace~

its been 4 days since i last started work..seriously i am trying hard to adapt to working life as i am reali not used to working life cos schooling and working seems totally different..i am a science student and yet i was given a job in charge of accounts when i know nuts abt it..actually i am kind of a bit regretted agreeing to take up tat job so early when earlier on i didnt even know wat am i supposed to do in tat company..all i know was i am in charge of admin..worst still i didnt ask for the pay before i agreed to take up tat thinkin bac, i think i am kind of reali dumb..actually the pay isnt veri bad, its just standard market price for A levels graduates..(phew thanks goodness), else i would have work for nothing..actually i duno if i should stay on for long til uni starts cos its super damn far man, plus transport fees would be damn expensive by next yr since i am no longer using student fare..hai~~i am still thinking over it..seriously for the past few days didnt reali have enough sleep cos i have to wake up reali early like normal sch days just to take a car ride from yishun since i duno where is it and i am super tired and sick..
yesterday i didnt go for the class outing cos i am quite sick and i reali need the weekend to rest, else i will get more sick..damn, my office practically everyone is sick, duno why also and i think i kana the virus from them and yet they still switch on the air con with full blust, which makes me cough more terribly..actually feel like not coming to work but i tell myself tat this is not schooling, i cant say i dun feel like coming then dun come, and moreover i just started work for 4 days onli, it wouldnt be nice if i take leave when i didnt reali contribute much to the company..
seriously the culture of this company differs veri much from my previous company tat i worked for..previously, the company tat i worked in was quite "high class" and the people there are quite highly educated, mostly til masters or some doctorate degree..but one bad thing is they are abit dao and unfriendly..but this current company that i am working for is kinda of "lower class" (sorry to say tat) ..i was reali shocked to hear so many drop out and one of them being 22 yrs old is already a mother..oh my god, i reali cant believe such things taking place..sometimes i think i reali have a too simplistic perceptions of the working world, i always have an ideal thinking tat everyone should be quite highly educated esp in spore, but it turn out to be likewise in this company..their spoken english is reali canot make it and those veri jialat type..theirs is worst off than mine when my spoken english is already quite jialat and lousy..sometimes i reali wonder how did they survive for this long..sometimes i am quite blessed tat at least i have gone up to A levels, though not highly educated yet, but at least i finish the basic and fundamental education tat everyone should thing tat i cant stand abt those ppl is tat they are damn vain pot lah..seriously i dun understand why must they keep taking out mirror constantly and their make up box whenever they are sian and keep looking into the mirror non stop..wa lao who are they trying to seduce man, boss ah?? i think boss also not interested loh cos all of them are aunties already..seriously i dun understand why are they so vain pot when they are not young anymore and even to the extent tat can be called auntie liao..and one thing which i dislike abt this company is tat there are lots of lustful guys or rather uncles and old men if i want to be mean..for 2 of the days, i reali feel uncomfortable stepping into tat company..first was one of the uncle gave me a lustful expression when i was alone waiting for the office to open..fine, so i ignored him but he kept on looking at me and exchanging those lustful looks and smile to me, then i got reali was an old man kept looking at me and my Colleagues asked me if i knew him as they are too wondering why is he kept looking at me...seriously i reali feel tat this company is full of lustful old man and uncles..some of them are even married, from wat i heard..this just shows tat GUYS CANT BE TRUSTED ! i think married guys are just worst off as they still continue to flirt around despite knowing tat u urself are already married..sometimes i just wonder are they ashamed of themselves for protraying such me, they are so old already and yet they still duno how to behave appropriately..its reali a shame..
this company has no hunks at all,all of them are uncles !! and they reali make my working days more sian, at least previously i have got lots of hunks to admire, so somehow makes my working days more enjoyable..moreover this company cant reali slack, they make sure tat u work from morning til off work cos there is always something for u to do even u have already completed ur task..i think this company not easy to earn their money man, when previously i could slack like mad after noon and yet receive the same pay as now..sometimes i got reali sian tat i took my own sweet time to complete my task but still i make sure tat i completes everything before i finish work lah..else, tongues might wag..and those aunties are reali not shy de loh..last fri boss decides to give all of the ppl in the company a treat and it was agreed tat he onli pay for chicken rice, but those aunties in my company say they cant eat chicken rice becos they are coughing ( i think its more of they want to eat expensive stuff and giving excuses onli) they order pizza hut boldly..i feel heart pain for the boss seriously..
todae i just went to a place and i was reali terrified walking in tat shopping centre despite being with my brother cos its seems tat tat shopping centre belongs totally to the thai..the words in the shopping centre are all written in thai and apparently all the ppl there in are thai, even the supermarket.they gave us tat look when we walked into tat shopping centre cos its kinda obvious tat we are not thai at all..i believe tat this is the usual hangout tat those thai ppl will come cos it seems to me tat i have stepped into thailand paradise.todae i also first time seeing a man changing sex to a female and he is a thai..oh man, (she) is super damn chio and i couldnt take my eyes off her and somehow (she ) realised it..first i saw her i look at her top body cos i was wondering if she a female or a male but it seems tat its not flat, so i take it tat she is a female brother also feels tat (she ) also undergoes sex change..but i must sae i am pretty amazed by today's technology for changing a man to a woman..haha...
todae i suddenly thought of him when i past tat expressway..yes, its been yr since i last seen him and i have seriously no idea wat is he doing in life now..perhaps we have reali lost touch..hai~off for now cos tml i still need to work and its already 2.30 am le and yet i still haven sleep..

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