Thursday, June 12, 2008

~my bro is bac to taiwan again~

yesterday went to shop again since i was lazy to complete my work, so left office earlier.bought one pants again.oh my god, i think i am buying clothes once every week.and this is kinda jialat cos i am wasting lots of money on clothes man..haha.then yesterday night, my dad came home kinda late and mum asked him why la..he said tat he got scalded by hot water and its 100 degree celsius those his body was kinda red..oh my god, tat's reali bad la but heng my dad didnt got hurt lah except tat its painful onli..but hor, i reali duno understand how can a kettle handle broke into 2 when kettle's handle are usually quite hardy? anyway i doubt my dad can get to claim anything from this incident so afterall he dun have those insurance thingy..
then yesterday nite went out with my bro to have dinner with my bro treating it as a farewell dinner.ate quite a lot.anyway yesterday i slept super late and todae i overslept for work.woke up at 8.15am and i am like siao crap a lie to my boss.hehe.heng they belive me..haha.ok,weekend got lots of admin things to do for my NTU thingy.sian.

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