Message: Jealousy is man's greatest weakness. becausenomatter how strong u are,once u get to feeljealous, ull start wondering all the time. butthen again man dun get jealous unless the girldidsomething which made the guy nearly lose trustinher. and even as he forgave her and trust heragain, the slightest thought will trigger anemotion chain which just drains all thehappinessor any will to do something else as the man justgives up. even though it shud be the girl thatfeels bad , in the end its the guy that feels thepain and the more he wants to forget it the moreit will hurt because there is no running awayfromthe jealousy. until he noes thats nothinhappenedand hold her in his arms. maybe girls dun noticeit but guys has much more emotion than themandwud take things even harder than they wud. agirlcould cry over something but a guys heartshatters. girls would then say he doesn love heranymore but the truth is he is loving her somuchits killing him but he survives knowing that sheshappy. a guy wud do anything for a girl but a girlwun.----------------------------------------------When we support mens opinion, we arechauvinistpigs but when they support their own gender, itsthe love and bond between them and notbecausethey are feminist.
Message: : *Guys should NEVER make emptypromises..The girl will NEVER forget that uNEVER keep urpromise....*Guys should be MORE sensitive to a girl'sfeelings..*Guys should NEVER neglect their GF just becozof their buddies..*Guys should ALWAYS BE THERE for their GF..*Guys should NEVER LIE.. coz the Girls rSMART these days..*Guys should ALWAYS be the BEST ineverything...So that the Girl can learn from u..Yet DUN be TOO Arrogant...*Guys should be MORE Patient andUnderstanding when its the "time of the MOnth" forthe Girls.. They tend to haf MOOD SwIngs...*Guys should learn how to SHOW moreAFFECTION to their Loved ones..*Guys should ALWAYS take the FIRST STep..*Guys should MAKE DECISIONS... Not say "dunno lar.. or anything larz.." Girls like guys whocan make decisions.. whether is where to eat orgo or do... Bleahz~~*Guys should Try to send their GF home from schor work if they haf the time despite the distance..*Guys should learn NOT to be toooo Messy... inthe things they do..*Guys should learn to call and sms their GF anitime of the day/nite.. Basically give their GF thesense of SECURITY.. tats wat girls want frommost of their BF...*Guys should try to let their GF know where andwat their doing all the time.. SO should their Girl..*Guys should NEVER Flirt around too Much..Everyone would know that ya a JErk.. Girls cangossip quite alot..*Guys should learn to be more Passionate..*Guys should be SMART, Quickwitted andSTRONGWILLED..*Real Guys DO CRY.. they haf feelings too..But dun CRY to Often... Coz its NOT very manly..Besides ya be known as a WIMP..*Guys should KNOW their GF likes and dislikes..*Guys should know their GF contactNumberSSssbyHeart...*Guys should never give excuses like` - SOrry I fell asleep..` - Sorry I was caught in a jam..` - Sorry my hp went Low..` - Opps.. I didn't know that..` - Oh i forgot...*Guys should Never use phrases like- ya not angry r u? (when its OBVIOUS she is..)- I dun like it.. ( when u haven't even try )- I dun like them ( when u haven't even met them )*Guys should always TRY new things and learn toadapt..*Guys should ALWAYS make a good impressionon theGirl's Parents..*Guys should know how to make their GF happy..*Guys should be DARING to meet ani of theirGF'sfriends, relatives.. blah blah...*Guys should never make their GF to beg for themto do this or that..*Guy should Learn to behave themselves attimes..*Guys should be Fun, Talkative, Outgoing..etc..*Guys should Never force their GF to do anithingthey dun want..*Guys should always FEEL like a girl when guys rwif their GF.. Girls like guys who can be theirbestfriend too.. Understanding.. etc..*Guys should always talk to their GF about theirmade-decisions.. and ask how to feel about it..*Guys should NEVER always expect a GIRL totell them WAT THEY DID WRONG.. whenEVERYTHING was WRONG...*Guys should NEVER be Ignorant
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