Tuesday, December 25, 2007

~christmas celebration~

christmas eve was surpossed to be half day for most of the working ppl, but my company dun have such previlege..reason they gave was "our boss is not a christian and he see no point in celebrating it, so we dun have half day leave.."so when i heard this, i was reali sian lah cos ppl are in holiday mood but we still have to work..come to think of it, for part timers like us, we are paid by hourly basis, if company decides to have half day, then my pay would also be deducted..aiya i think such system also benefit those full timers ba, as they are paid on a monthly basis..saying of tat i recall something regarding the pay thingy..last week i saw everyone's salary which should be confidenal cos no one will know your collegues pay unless the accountant who is in charge of tablating ur pay..i think my supervisor trust tat i wont show anyone those pay sheets cos she asked me to keep it for her and i was told not to show it to anyone..ya, maybe she feels tat i mean no harm to anyone, anyway i also not so bo liao to compare pay when all of them have work for so long over there when i am just quite new in the company..
yeah talking abt christmas eve, i went out with my ex j1 classmates cum birthday celebration for wee ping..i think somehow this gathering was quite enjoyable one especially when 2 unknown guys which i duno pops up in this gathering..i find them quite humorous and joker especially the way they talk..and the climax part for me on tat day was i reali receive a "Lucky" present from joey when he split out the coke suddenly on my face and clothes..lucky it wasnt tat much but he was kinda guilty for doing tat..haha, i think he was going to cough out tat moment but so unlucky tat he was drinking at tat moment so splitted everything on me.yup, first we went to an indonesian restaurant at paragon to have dinner..food wise is quite nice, just tat not spicy enough, if more spices were to be added then tat will be gd..followed by tat, we have gifts exchange.haha, i have gotton a movie cd (the musical high sch 2)..yeah was kinda disppointed cos i hope to receive more practical gifts which at least i could use..seriously i dun reali like receving cds as present, neither do i want to give cds for anyone cos i find it impractical.after which went around to take photos, but the crowd was seriously so bad tat u can hardly move around freely.yes, its tat jialat to the extent tat police has to be around to control the crowd.and as usual some ppl will usually get pissed out when they cant get out of the crowd and start scolding vulgarities aloud..yeah, this time i experienced it again.and we reali had a hard time escaping those bo liao ppl spraying foam on u..yes, one of my guy friend kana tat and he was so furious tat he started to scold vulgarities right on his face cos he didnt offended him and yet he sprayed on his clothes and face..yes, if i were in his shoes, i will also be damn angry..tat night reach home kinda late and it was after midnight..
hai~tml got work again.wat a boring day and rountine.yes 4 jan onwards, i will be free from this company..

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