Sunday, December 30, 2007

~ok i must admit tat my heart has been moved by him~

yesterday i was still bothering over the interview issue cos i reali want to know where i have gone wrong cos i never knew where i went wrong and like tat i can never know my mistake.recalling wat that manager said, he said something like "wah, u have so many jobs, looks like u are quite experience."actually i am just being honest in my resume wat, but it seems to me tat one should never be tat honest after tat manager said tat to me, cos eventually u will be the disadvantage one.interview is all abt bullshitting and telling the interviewer wat u are capable of and letting him or her being impressed with u..well, if u cant do tat, then too bad then..
kay yesterday nite (sat), i was pretty sian coping at home doing nothing other than watching tv, which i usually does, so i decided to go to expo to shop for some things since metro is on sale mah.kay, as usual i like to dress until veri lam nuah cos i too lazy to dress nicely mah and i have this mentality tat no one will go there since its so far and out of place, so possibility of bumping into anyone is just veri low.but who knows i am so unlucky tat i reali bump into someone tat i know!! and worst still its a guy..and he kept looking at my feet for duno wat reason and i reali feel like asking him but didnt dare..i wonder is it becos i wore slippers and it looks reali ugly??haha..i duno too, this have to ask him..and one thing tat is jialat is tat i kept shaking my leg unknowningly when i didnt know tat he is already looking at me..yes, my image is all ruined..imagine a ger keep shaking her leg cos it has became a bad habit, how bad does her image becomes? ok after tat we took the same train since we are going the same direction and initally wanted to go home de but it seems tat time is still early so i wanted to go outram to window shop for a bag..yup, i was pretty shocked when he asked me this :" do u mind if i accompany u to buy wat u wan?? cos i got nothing to do at home either even if i go home now." haha, can i say " yes i mind.." aiya but eventually i didnt lah cos i didnt dare to be so bad..but i tried saying something like "erm, i want to buy girl's stuff leh, u sure u wan to follow me??" apparently he didnt get the hint, so eventually he still follow me.seriously i find it veri uneasy with a guy tagging along with me when the shops tat i patronized are all selling female stuff and no guys stuff at all.and it seems to me tat he doesnt mind at all..duno why i just find weird and awardward shopping with him, but for some guys still alright and ok least the pei seh level not tat high.eventually i cant tahan anymore so i said aiya never mind then, we go eat supper ba...and we reali walked the whole round of chinatown and yet didnt manage to find anything to eat cos maybe we are too engrossed in talking le and didnt reali pay much attention to the food tat we wan to eat..eventually we decide to stop at mac to eat ice cream..-diao- right? yeah sat at mac there to talk abt ppl around us and how are things going in life for us. yup, spending tat 2.5hrs night with him was quite a nice and sweet one..haha, i must admit tat he is the 2nd di di tat has changed my opinion of younger guys and somehow touched my heart slightly.ok, this is not going to last cos such crush are usually meant for dreams, after which have to return to reality.tat night i must admit tat i reali smiled alot after looking at his msg and its been a long time since i last smile at msges ever since he left.
kay todae went to east coast park to cycle cos its been a long time since i went there to cycle..actually i reali felt disppointed today cos the 4 of us rarely gets together and apparently we never reali have a chance to meet up.1 of them didnt turn up and the other one was 5.5hrs late.seriously i have no idea how can a person be late by so many hours??ok,so the 2 of us as usual cycle first loh, wat to do since we are already there.yup rental was reali cheap cos its 6 bucks for 2 hrs.but later butt was feeling reali painful since we didnt cycle for so long le.i did get tanner todae and kana sunburn too cos i was under the sun for too long and moreover cycling during the noon sure will kana sun burn de loh..yup, saw uhan too cos he called out for me but i didnt see him intially.after which proceeded to window shopping at bugis again.hai~sian.fri onwards i am going to be jobless le..i better start finding a job else i cant feed myself le..

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