Friday, December 28, 2007

~hai cock up in the interview again !~

thur went for the interview at raffles place. the interviewer is a man, so i was kinda shocked cos initally i thought it was a female cos i was asked to look for ms XXX, but it turn out to be a man.anyway he was quite friendly lah, and he knew tat i am quite nervous, so he asked me to relax..yup so i crap abt wat i did and talk more abt myself.this time round apprently i could talk more when previously the interview at cycle and carriage was totally speechless cos i didnt expect the interview to be conducted like i realised tat basically they asked the same type of questions de..usually they will leave u with open ended qns.after which u will have to elabrate urself.well, he said tat the pict in the resume dun look like me at i said tat becos tat one got make up mah..then he asked why didnt u make up today and this is working i said i CANT WAKE UP..oh gosh this sentence must has minus alot of marks..oh shit tat shouldnt be said, well, its has been said so cant be help.although i wasnt reali tat keen to have this job but i was feeling reali emo yesterday cos i always cock up for interview de and somehow it has made me demoralised le..yes and not to mention tat yesterday i was reali furious with my collegues cos they cant be reasoned de man..they always thought tat they are right since they have work there so long and i onli work there for 1 month..but who care lah, next fri onwards i need not have to see their face anymore.and one thing i was super angry with them when they said tat they decide to hire other ppl when i have already found my friend to take over my place and everything has already been said already and now last min have to tell him tat the company dun wan him le..wat the hell, i reali duno how should i tell him cos its like making someone happy for a moment and making disappointed the next moment.yes, i experience b4 so i know the feeling..hai~currently looking for job but it seems tat its hard to find even with agencies helping me find.well, all the best to me ba.

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