Wednesday, December 26, 2007

~job interview~

tml i will be going for a job interview at kinda not bad but duno if i can make it through the interview or decided to do some research on what kind of qns they will ask.but seriously working there will confirm be a different environment from where i work now.the jialat thing is u have to wear office attire and its kinda sian for me cos i am lazy to dress up early in the morning, when i could use tat extra time to sleep more.seriously today i receive lots of call from those agency companies the moment i sent out my resumes online.the jobs tat they offer are not bad for some, so just have to wait for reply to see if they want to hire me.but working in raffles is kinda complicated, especially if u will meet different kind of ppl over there.but i do heard tat guys working in raffles are mostly all hunks and gers are mainly chio bu..hopefully the interview goes well cos i gave up my half way just for this interview, which means tat my pay will be cut again cos i take leave.

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