Monday, December 17, 2007

~i am kinda crazy over him lately~

oh man, recently duno why i am so crazy over xiao zhu..haha..initally wanted to go his autograph sessions de on sat but eventually i didnt cos something crops onli has the chance to watch him at the star awards which was held on sun..yes, he is reali damn shuai and i was memerised by his dance and smile..this week going to spend lots of money le..haha, going broke reali soon..thinking bac, i think last week was kind sway..i fell from a bus and seriously its damn malu especially the pose tat i fall was damn sat i didnt realised tat i am wearing a torn pants (home clothes) when i went out to buy things nearby my house..apparently it is also damn malu, hai~ i think those road side ppl must have seen my big hole in the pants..
yesterday i also received a call from someone whom i find veri surprising cos he never called me before..i reali wonder wat is it cos tat time i didnt pick up the call cos i didnt hear it..

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