Wednesday, January 02, 2008

~welcome 2008 ~

this yr countdown did nothing compared to last yr.well, part of the reason was my brother was not in singapore, so no one to pei me go home if i were to stay out after midnight.tat day also received my pay for tat month..tat time i suddenly feel so rich and loaded with money cos my wallet has never got so much money and thick after receiving this pay wanted to go shopping but its seems tat there is nothing for me to buy leh..supposedly tat day should be a half day for most companies, but again my company is special cos we need to work for full day..wa lao hear liao also sian.but at least the boss agreed to let us off 1 hr earlier, else this company is reali too kiasu to piah so much..tat day also wanted to see the fei lun hai autogragh session de, but it oni startes at 11.30pm, which is near midnight lah, and seriously i duno why they put at such a weird timing.well, tat time when i was at imm it was onli 8 something, so decided not to wait le.
then regarding the previous "Dream" tat i had, it seems tat i am reali not dreaming ah..maybe wat yh said was right, initally i may find him relatively attractive and fresh cos long time never see each other liao mah, but after a while, things started to get kinda bored and stale and yes i do admit it.
then yesterday went to johor to shop and eat.we reali ate until veri full cos we kept stopping to eat cos their food are reali cheap compare to spore currency..and i find it hard to communicate with them over there cos they speak malay and i dun understand at all esp when they tell me abt the price of the food..i tried to speak english to them but they dun seems to all bought a alot of tibits home and nothing else, surprising there is no clothes or shoes..i am kinda surprised when over there we can self service our own food,just like buffet and take as much as u wan and yet u pay the same amt..then yesterday on our way to johor,one veri frightening thing happened on the train and my dad was the unlucky one who kana it.there was this particular indian man kana posses by "dirty things" and when he was sleeping on the train, he suddenly grab hold of my dad veri firmly and my mum who was sitting besides my dad shouted aloud and yes it attracted lots of ppl attention.somehow my dad didnt resist despite tat man grabbing him reali firm.after which tat indian man shivered tremendously and fall off his seat and his whole body just fall flat on the ground..oh man tat time i was super scared and wanted to cry out le cos i never seen so scary things before. then worst still he went to bite his own tongue and blood reali came off and stain the ground inside the train.apparently no one wants to help this indian man and everyone trys to shunt off from him, yeah this just shows how"helpful" singaporeans are.but there is a grp of indians did tried to splash and sprinkle water on tat man face and after which carry him out of the next station,my dad also helped him despite my mum kept scolding him not to help cos she felt tat this kind of thing are unlucky..well, someting tat puzzled me was why did he became conscious onli after they sprinkle water on his face??hmm..maybe tat's something tat cant be explain using sci..well, tat day was reali an eye opener for me.
yeah, tml will be my last day and maybe i do want to rest a while cos i haven been resting well since my A levels finish.its time i take a short break, meanwhile looking for jobs around.and now having paying adult fare reali feel heartpain man cos its so costly compared to student fare lah..hai~everything in spore is abt money..

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