Sunday, April 27, 2008

~the best bbq tat i ever had~

last fri, the bbq was the BEST tat i have ever eaten cos its unusual from the bbq session tat i had before.initally i am reali scared of going with those sales ppl cos i am not reali close with them,but heng tat day turn out to be quite ok.seriously i am shocked by the amt of food they bought for bbq cos its as if they are buying down half the cold storage.yes, its tat jialat and terrifying.haha.i am reali impressed and amazed how well my big boss can cook cos our bbq is super different from others.we can bbq muscles which is something tat i first heard b4.they bought those super super big mushrooms and added melted cheese on it, and its super duper nice.and wat was most kua zhang was we had prawns tat has beer and wine in it.they added those liqour as if it is free like tat sia.and i almost going to faint by the amt and rate they are drinking liqour cos its reali veri veri scary..come on man, there are onli 8 ppl for bbq and yet there are cartoons of beers and a few bottle of wines.oh man, the way tat they are drinking is reali like they are drinking plain water sia.seriously i felt tat the bbq was not meant to be for those underage cos there are too much liqour in the food itself.but surprising those gers didnt got drunk despite drinking so much, but for one unforunate one, she puked out after drinking so much on an empty stomach,and seriously gers looks terrible when they puke after drinking.tat day went home quite late le, but heng my colleague sent me halfway home, so luckily got time to catch the last bus.
the following day (sat) was reali a terrible terrible day for me.perhaps it was reali hell for me cos i was scolded by the teacher so badly to the extent tat i cry out in front of him.tat day he was reali damn fierce man, initally i reali hold on to my tears, telling myself tat i WILL Not cry despite of how fierce he is,but eventually i think i reali cant tahan liao and tears reali rolled down my cheeks.hai~actually i am also damn angry with him cos i felt he is just way too guo fen liao.ya, even if u wan to scold me, at least u should have a limit wat..wat the heck, i reali tolerated him for veri long liao and i was so angry with him tat i reali wanted to scold " F*** man, are u enough already??.." YES, tat was reali wat i wanted to say, but like i say i didnt have the guts to say to him, so i just tolerated him.i knew tat if i were to say this, then tat's it liao and more trouble will follow up from then..he said to me if i will want to stay on and continue with the lesson or i can choose to leave.ya though i reali want to leave cos i reali hate to see his face, but i told myself tat i paid for the sch fees, so i shouldnt leave just like tat..damn it, anyway tat day i was just super duper angry..but somehow when i started crying, he suddenly lowered his voice and volume.apparently he seems to be scared of gers who cry..but who cares man, Its him who made me cry, maybe should scare him one time and teach him a lesson.darn it.anyway tat day i was feeling reali terrible, so i decided to take a walk to the national stadium before Proceeding home.moreover i dun wan my mum to see me crying so i took a walk

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