Wednesday, April 23, 2008

~i am the whole organiser for the volunteer day !~

me and my saleS dept
yummy 21st bday cake

me praying hard for something?
me and my customer service dept

yesterday i was appointed by my big boss to carry out this "Big mission" tat is to be the organiser for this volunteer day held on 2nd may..initally she gave the idea of appraoching those recycling companies for the volunteer day, but i find veri sian doing recycling lei and moreover its so mafan to contact those companies, so my small boss ask me to tell her to suggest go beach cleaning instead since i was the one appointed as the project coordinater.aiya duno why these ppl are so weird la, got suggestions just voice out la, why ask me to convey to her.lohz..and i did suggested to my big boss of going either MINDS sch or ubin there la, but she is pretty against it and she said tat she dun wan any human-human interactions and moreover she said tat " wat if those retarded ppl siao siao tat day and do something to u then how?" wah lao i reali find her comments reali meant man.dun wan say dun wan la, why say those ppl until like wat sia.anyway they finally agreed to go beach cleaning at east coast, but i think they are going to act act and pretend to pick litter just to pose some pictures for those bigger boss to see..pls la, i doubt they are sincere abt picking litter since they always like to mention abt this and tat, that it is so unglamourous la..and they always like to act act onli..hai~this ppl are reali hopeless man.and tml i am going to a bbq cum bday celebration for my colleague..actually i relai feel awkward going with them cos i am not reali close with their dept,but since tat time they celebrated my bday with me, so i guess i should turn up for it,else, i would feel reali bad abt it..hai~tml i am the onli one coming for the bbq in my department.sad case man, cos the rest all married and the other colleague dun reali like her, so i am the onli one left..Todae is a kinda slacking day @ work..haha, shoik !!

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