Wednesday, April 02, 2008

~i have finally cleared my office comp virus !~

i am so glad tat i have finally cleared my office comp virus le cos last mon my office comp are showing symptoms of "virus infection" and i realised tat those "gd brand" antivirus software isnt tat gd after all,in fact tat time my brother found an ulu antivirus software and it is so effective in clearing virus..yeah, i am so shocked tat after doing the scan test,there are 124 dectected tat posed harm to the comp and 5 dectected in my house comp.oh man, i reali cant imagine how can tat 124 virus be accumulated so much.perhaps its not becos of me alone.maybe the previous ppl tat are using the comp before me are already infected le,just tat its not tat much to make the comp tat lag and hang the comp..anyway its a blessing in disguise la..initally i reali want to seek the IT Department to solve my comp problem liao but heng i didnt call the IT department in new zealand,else will be damn ulu..
yesterday was a super busy day for me,duno why man.and the new perm customer service person are here to report to work yesterday.yeah, so end of april, i got to leave this company yesterday we had a welcome lunch at swensens holland village.since it was company treat,so i decided to order something tat i have never eaten before or perhaps order something which is expensive or something which i have never try before.haha, this is a gd chance to exploid the company welfare i ordered steak and somehow i kinda regretted eating it cos it makes my stomach reali full and bloated for the entire day yesterday cos i think the serving is reali too much liao..haha..since it was my first time trying steak so i am kinda sua ku how much should it be cooked in order for it to taste i just anyhow order loh and they gave me the medium cook one.oh man,it taste horrible.cos there is still some blood in the meat and yesterday the finger food tat we ordered seems like we need not have to pay money like tat sia cos they keep ordering when everyone is veri full le.oh man,there is this ice cream which i felt was quite ex cos its $13++ and tat single cope ice cream is cook it together with a bannana pie.taste shoik man.

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