Thursday, April 10, 2008

~super stressed at work~

yesterday after my work, my student's mum suddenly called me again to say tat the piano lesson is changed to wed again..wat the heck man, why does she always like to change timing as and when she like sia.but never mind i still go despite i am quite unwilling to go cos i haven prepare my materials for the lesson yet ! but never mind, i shall think on the spot wat to teach her. by the time i finish teaching her, and it was 9pm and that place is super isolated and ulu, so she asked her security guard to send me off to the bus stop..her mum was like telling me tat sometimes i need to teach her daughter some life stories,eg things which we cant teach in books.its not only teaching piano, probably can educate on a person well being.seriously when i heard tat i was thinking tat "erm, i am a piano teacher, not an educator.." and i am equally same as her daughter la, like to quarrel with parents and i dun dote on my parents at i think i am not in a position to teach her moral vaules and stuff like tat.ya, but i didnt say on her face la, but well, i am equally naughty as her daughter.
yesterday my mum was like trying to be nice to me, tried to talk nicely to me,initally i ignored her and reali didnt want to talk to her,.but aiya later i thought i should forget abt it and shoudnt be tat xiao qi la, so i talked nicely to her too le.
today's work is freaking damn a lot cos one of my colleage is on leave again!! oh man, i reali hate this cos everyone has went on liao and i am still alone in office !!! but heck la, i am not going to finish up the work, i shall complete tml first thing in the morning.and todae when i was talking to one of my colleague, he said tat my spoken eng do have some slang in it.haha, i reali laugh out when i heard this cos how can it be possible?? ya, anyway my spoken do have some improvement le la, at least i dun stammer tat much le ;)

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