Tuesday, April 29, 2008

~lunch at bali thai @ IMM for lunch~

todae is a super unlucky day at work cos first thing in the morning, i was kana locked out by my program system.yeah, its damn shitty la, esp when u cant try ur password for more than three times, cos otherwise u would be auto locked off..yeah, so i had to call the IT helpdesk to unlock me before i can proceed on with my work.then during lunch time, we took our colleague car and went to IMM bali thai to have our farewell lunch.cool, we ordered alot of dishes man.of all dishes, i felt the green curry is super damn nice, i think they added alot coconut milk, cos the entire dish reali taste like coconut milk.anyway apart from tat, the kway tiao is nice, pineapple fried rice is nice and the papaya salad and mango salad is nice.the kueh is also nice too..haha..in all i felt tat the food is not bad, not something tat is not tat nice is the tofu goreng..their standard is incomparable to the indonesian restaurant at quark quay.oh man, the bill is shocking cos for 2 tables it cost like $650..haha,if i were to see this bill, i will surely be shocked to death.but heck, bill is not i pay =)

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