Monday, April 21, 2008

~perhaps i am wrong =( ~

last fri went out to play basketball with CH @ bedok.yes, i think i am crazy already cos i am actually willing to travel so far just to play basketball with him.but ended up it was quite a sian session cos i didnt know tat there is only 4 ppl playing since his cell group cant make it last min.and moreover i didnt know tat i am the only girl in there, so its kinda hard and tough to play with them since his cosins are super gd in usual u know i cant play basketball la cos i super lousy in practically i am just standing still at my spot, hoping tat i can have a chance to catch the wat next, 3 unknown ppl decided to pair up with us to play, so it became more interesting and exciting.i am reali amazed by how gd tat old man played basketball cos his actions are reali swift and fast and it was reali considered damn gd le for his age.yup. i am not even one-tenth as gd as him la..anyway in short, i am just trying to prove tat i am super damn lousy in sports !! then after which somehow his another cell group friend came down so i decided to join him to chit chat since i am practically transparent in tat basketball court..even if i am not there, they wouldnt lose i just happily went out of the game.while they were resting, he taught me how to play basketball cos i think he is damn gd in basketball la..haha, tat time my heart was beating really fast cos we are really in close contact when he is teaching me.but ya,everything is meant for enjoyment.but seriously guys looks reali veri amirable and mesmerizing when they play basketball..tat day tat basketball court got lots of hunks too..haha.but unforunately, tat nite, I had a terrible quarrel with my mum, to the extent tat she changed my lock so tat i cant stepped into the house.heng tat my dad woke up and saved me from sleeping outside tat nite..actually my mum was just pissed off tat i go out with my friends and i didnt practise my piano, but i am reali damn angry cos she kept on pestering me and called me for over 40 something over calls !! wah lao lei, this is damn irritating la..
sat was a reali upset day for me cos my piano teacher say me until like so worthless like tat..yes, i do know tat i am veri lousy in my playing and i do admit tat i didnt pay full attention in playing, but i find tat he shouldnt suan me til duno like wat..this is something tat i am reali unhappy with him.though tat day after the lesson i did do self reflection,but i still find him veri guo fen man..he said tat if i still cant play up to expectation, then he will tell my mum tat he dun wan teach me anymore.though i reali dislike him and i reali hope tat he is not my teacher, but still i dun wan to lose a teacher at this point of time when my exams are nearing.ya, tat day i reali showed him a black face and reali feel like scolding vulgar towards him, but i told myself tat i shouldnt..he claims tat i dun respect him but i dun see the reason as to why i should be nice to him when he says such mean things to me. =(
yesterday mon, was a tiring day for me too cos we had welcome lunch again cos new staff comin in.,.yeah, though i got to see resturants quite recently ever since i got to work in this company, but duno why i am relai sick of gd food le..haha, and i am seriously sick of swenses food liao !! there is 2 resturant lunch this upcoming end of month..sian..

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