Sunday, April 06, 2008

~celebration for my 21st at sukura international resturant~

last fri when i was on my way home, i saw a land rover at clementi area and tat land rover looks exactly like mr A i was wondering is tat driver him? yup, so i looked out of the window in the bus,but somehow my bus was travelling too fast le, so didnt have a glance of who the driver was..sigh..then sat when i was at the sakura resturant, i thought it was him again cos the back view of tat guy looks reali like him,but it turn out likewise and i have gotton the wrong person le.hmm..duno why lately, he always appear from my mind for no reason..yup, i have been questioning myself why is tat so too..but somehow i cant get an ans out of myself..
sat early morning went for piano lesson..initally my playing was quite alright de and the teacher was like quite surprised cos my playing was better tat day..but later my playing started to become reali shit-ty cos i had no mood to play and so he became very fed up cos i kept on playing the wrong things again and again and it seems tat i always turn a deaf ear to watever he as usual got scolded seems tat i have gotton use to scoldings le, eg my mum and my teacher, to such an extent tat i always turn a deaf ear to their scoldings and just bo chap them.kay,after tat went to meet jun yi at bugis to pray at the temple..heng tat day its not tat crowded..after which went to the bugis mac and sit down with him to chat and eat nuggets..after which we went off separately to meet our respective friends..i went to chinatown to buy some comestic cream since i still have some time left before meeting my 106 friends at orchard..
so when i reached orchard, i was late for 10 mins, but there are ppl who are even more late than me (as usual) ...when everyone sees me, they gave me tat kind of look..i know tat day i look reali veri veri different from my usual dressing cos of the attire tat i wore.somehow it has made me reali pei of my ger-friend said tat i look like i came bac from hongkong, where those ppl always like to wear big and long sleeve coats.the other guy friend asked me where did i come from cos my dressing is kinda formal...haha, anyway the most awkward is that my eye candy gave me tat super shocked look when he sees me..come on, wat's there so shocked abt?? i think the most pei seh is when both of us look at each other, which is so qiao in order to hide the embarrassement, i gave him the "wat's up look.." to cover my on our journey to the resturant, we practically talked to each other for tat entire journey,but as one of the ger was left out, so i talked to her instead and give up the chance of chatting with him.initally it was planned to go sakura to have the celebration de since i have made a reservation,but as one of my friend said tat it is veri dirty and food is sucky, so we changed to sukura international tat point of time i was so afraid tat i have no money to treat the 10 of them cos i heard tat sukura international is quite expensive and moreover its a weekend, so it will be more ex..wat is the most jialat is tat i didnt bring my atm card along !! so i got to just pray hard tat i can pay for them..ok, so i was right tat i dun have enough money to pay for them..i almost wanted to faint when the cashier told me the bill..oh my god, its $330 for 11 person. $30 per person.seriously i have never spent so much money on food before, so this was my first shock of my life.ok, but at least they said i pay half the bill will do, so heng the money is just enough after shopping for things earlier on before meeting the pathetic me onli left home with $12 when i brought $250 out tat day..oh my god, i never spent so much money in a day before, but never mind la, since its my celebration and its once in a life time so i will just be more thrifty these few weeks loh.actually food at sukura was quite so so nia. they reali have everything and watever u feel like eating,its all available.i reali like the pastries and cakes over there cos its reali awesome..yup,in future will go there again but it will be a weekday..after the dinner, they bought me a chocolate cake and tat cake is reali damn nice also..i believed tat the cake isnt cheap either cos i guess the cake is "branded itself"..after which took picts with all of them.actually wanted to take an individual pict with eye candy de, but i think its too weird liao, so eventually i i took a group pict with them instead.hehe.i was told tat my present wrapping paper is damn ex, so i kinda got to tear it carefully..haha, i reali wonder how ex is the wrapping alone.
todae is a super busy day, didnt have much time to rest.but tml til thur, it will be super slack..haha..

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