Monday, April 14, 2008

~interview at NTU~

yesterday i was called up for interview at NTU for the chemistry and biological chemistry course since it was a popular course in NTU and initally i thought tat i was called up for interview becos i failed my gp, but looks like it isnt so, cos ppl with excellent grades and pass gp also need interview..ok, so how did the interview goes today?? ya seriously i dun find it an interview at all cos the interviewer didnt ask me anything related to the course itself..duno why, it makes me reali uncertain if i am shortlisted for the course le ma? basically the qns tat he asked are reali weird and i reali didnt expect him to ask such qns..which means tat the qns which i prepared yesterday is totally no use cos he didnt asked those qns tat i predicted at all..he asked why is it tat the naming of my syllabus and the current JC syllabus is different and also he asked me why i take 2 times for my A levels, so i just told him my reason for re-taking the exam twice lo.after which he justed asked me if i got any qns for him..lohz, to me i think this is not an interview session lo, its more of a chatting session and knowing more abt in order to show tat i have interest for tat course, i pose him two qns..and somehow duno why i feel him kinda bu shuang to ans my qns or rather i should say tat he dun like me to hear from ppl saying tat taking up sci has limited job scope.seriously i reali find this interviewer too direct liao cos he says tat " seriously to be frank, u are the borderline case and we called u up for interview is becos u have gotton a B for chem.." hai~seriously dun understand why must he be so frank la..although i do know tat this course is veri competitive and they will onli take in students with As and Bs greades, but tat time i onli wanted to try if i can get in onli nia, if cant then i will just go my material engin then.actually up to now, i dun even know wat i wan man..still clueless as to wat i reali like.somehow in tat interview, i managed to make a friend from jj and RJ..tat RJ ger seems veri confidence to me and somehow i feel she is abit arrogant, but still, i still brought her out of the building cos she duno how to walk out of tat ulu new spms building.yeah, surprising i knew the way out despite i never went tat area before to eat..but seriously i reali find tat new building damn ulu la, cos its not reali assessable..
recently i was told by JT tat my english is damn jialat..haha, its veri true cos it can be seen from how i blog.yeah, i use broken english and singlish but of cos when i am writing an eassy, obviously i will use perfect english la.of cos spoken english is not tat gd either la, but i am improving le..and todae i reali got a shock of my life cos i have never gotton so heavy before and never have i gained so much weight before..4.5kg in all..oh man, tat's is a disaster man.hai~now got to resist all food le..

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