Sunday, March 09, 2008

~3 cheers for me !! ~

its been quite a few days since i last blog wat have i been busy with? tues i went out with JT for a movie at jp.yes, its been ages and yrs since i last stepped into a cinema with my friends.i think if i am not wrong should be around 2.5yrs to 3 yrs le ba..haha,lohz duno wat am i on earth losing touch with watching movies.anyway tat movie tat we watched was "L changed the world" was a jap thriller movie i feel.somehow tat movie protrays out its amusing part though it wasnt reali tat funny afterall,but the ppl in the theatre was laughing happily away..
ok wed and thur had resturant buffet at one go for consecutives days and i reali do feel fat after eating so much of it..actually there is also a buffet on fri too de, but i left early for sch to collect the results, so i didnt manage to eat tat buffet.whenever there are guests from overseas coming to our company, usually ppl like us,esp those from my dept feel happy cos there is nice buffet to eat.hehe,i am quite a glutton too cos i do eat alot despite knowing tat i am quite fat already.but i always have this policy saying tat "eat first,later then worry abt it.." and eventually i usually regretted for eating so and thur was a terrible day for me cos one of my colleague is on medical leave and i have to clear up her mess and worst still, thur one of my the other colleague comp spoil and i need to help her settle things on her behalf..damn it,tat thur i was damn pissed off cos i got so many things to do and i feel reali frustrated when one of my colleague is on leave and the other one comp spoil.seriously i dun understand why this colleague of mine always like to take medical leave de loh..its been so many times since i joined the company 2 months bac.i have never taken any leave before except for the released of the results.other and tat, even if i am sick, i still drag myself to work loh though i am still quite was also another angry day for me cos i felt tat i was taken for granted for being nice to my student.yes, wed i rush immediately to my student "house" despite haven finish my work and when i reached her home, i was told tat my student has went off for a camp for johor le.damn, she didnt even told me abt it and i just happily went there.her mum was feeling reali sorry abt it for her daugher not informing me, so she told me tat i can claim my taxi fares.but who xi nan for her taxi fares claim man..i just dun like the irresponsible acts of my student.anyway this is the sec time she is doing this on me, if she continues to be like this, i reali give up teaching her liao.tat time was helping her to lie to her mum, now wat??
fri was the release of results.seriously duno why i am not panic and worried at fact i dun feel anything and continue to go work as usual.and as i predicted tat day i will surely given lots of work and yes, i was right...when i wanted to pack up and leave the office, i was asked to do this and tat for the guests, eg helping them to book i was delayed in leaving the to why i dun feel anything seems reali unusual of me.maybe i have gone through all these tough times countless times le and probably i have gotton used to the failure life.tat day also received quite a couple of msg wishing gd luck for me.yeah, i was quite happy abt it though if results arent gd,wishing u also wont change the grade,but nevertheless it is sincerity tat counts la and i am reali glad to receive those wishes from my friends.but least among tat i expected tat one of my guy friend actually called me up to extend his wishes when we rarely reali talked much.ya, sometimes life is always so unpredictable.actually i was told tat the teachers have known our results early in the morning and i was "begging" this teacher to drop hints if i can enter uni..but he die die also refused to tell me my grades, all he said was "Should be able to enter uni ba.."ok so i feel glad after hearing tat and i waited patiently for 2.30pm for the results to be out offically.well,results are quite ok this time round, except for tat stupid gp cos i fail gp AGAIN !! but i am reali glad tat i didnt get E8 or worst cos that would cost my uni application to be denied even though my grades are quite alright.well, maybe its just my lousy fate tat i have to take english brigding course in uni.actually seriously speaking, i dun feel happy at all for achieving such grades..duno why either..probably i expected better grades than this since i took 4 yrs jc.if i were to get this grade in 2 yrs jc, then i would be veri delighted.maybe that's the reason why i dun feel anything after receiveing the results.though now i have better chance of choosing a course rather than the course choosing over me,but somehow i still duno wat i reali want to fact i am studying just for the sake of getting a cert and not being passionate abt studying.and i am reali headache abt the fees for uni now cos its not a few hundred fact its thousand dollars onwards.the issue is where can i find money to pay for it? even if i work i also cant pay for the huge sum for every sememsters.die liao lah.mum and dad also no money,tat's the worst thing to hear.ok, i shall be determined for now and find my own ways to pay the tuition fees.hai~
seriously i am reali veri happy tat i have finally gotton a chance to step into ntu le,which has longed to be my dream sch since young and i have told myself tat i have finally did it though my route was reali a tough and uncertain least all those determination and perserverance didnt get paid off..and i still left with 4 yrs to go..i believe tat this 4 yrs will not be a easy one,probably might be tougher than wat i have experienced in jc.but i told myself tat i must jia you on no matter wat..ok, tat nite after i gotton my results, one of my colleague asked me if i wan to join them for dinner at some "resurant" at bukit timah for dinner. i thought for reali long if i wanted to join them cos i did consider if i am reali suitable to go for such places cos its super high class and i have bad eating habits.yeah, this was my first time entering such high class place and i believed tat i can never book such a place cos hiring the pianist and guitarist alone cost $1000++ le just for a few hours.wa lao, i was so shocked when i hear this.kay,this is also my veri first time eating italian food cos i have never tried before.well. judging from the dishes tat they serve,its obvious tat all these food are reali ex but one gd news is tat company is paying for i will be eating free of charge..haha.tat nite also drank abit of red wine though i dun reali like,but i have no choice cos they kept saying "Cheers.."even the chefs was saying me tat my glass of wine hasnt been touched at all cos i onli drink slips of it.yeah, i know i am wasting such ex drinks,but cant be help cos i dun like to drink.well, after the interactions, i reali feel tat i am a frog in a well cos it seems tat i am veri stupid cos everything also duno.whereas they seems to be veri knowledgable and knows lots of things.yeah, many at times i find tat my frequency and their frequencies reali different world apart.well,all i can do is to acquire more knowledge in my working life for now loh.
next wk i was asked for a tanning date with this guy at sentosa,but dun he feel shy at all..???lohz.even if he is not shy, i will feel shy seeing him stripping in public.and the most qian bian thing is he asked me to prepare my bikini.lohz..i "scolded" him a pervert cos i will never ever wear a bikini in this life,maybe in my next life when i got a super model figure.for now, my figure is reali CMI..haha.

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