Sunday, March 02, 2008

~The kinda boring talk~

sat i was reali too tired liao..eyes feel super pain even after a sleep..ended up i went for piano lesson with a sleepy and tired tat day since i was too tired to do anything,just laze around chiong-ing my vcd.yes,so happy tat i am going to finish watching liao.then the next morning, which is a sun tat day, had to wake up reali early like normal working days.yes, its 6am and my mum was asking why i need to go out so early for wat..i didnt tell her the truth tat i am going for a relious talk at 9am and got to meet mr wong and yj they all at 8am.ok, i was quite sian to go for such talks cos i cant appreciate such things de and moreover i am not sincere and devoted towards relligion,so its kinda not possible for me to reali xiu dao..yes, there will not be a day tat i will xiu dao.i think i would rather be a free thinker though i am a buddhist myself but i was forced to follow since young, so there isnt choice for tat.seriously for tat talk, for abt 90%, i am switch off cos i think the chinese too chime to understand liao.ok,after mr wong send us to sengkang mrt station, by coincidence saw tat mr smiley teacher whom used to be my yr 1 jc phy teacher.acually i didnt saw him de, but when i see how come this guy was smiling to me, then i recalled tat he used to be the teacher tat lots of female students admire and likes..haha.yeah, he still has tat smiley face..but i am reali surprised tat he still rmb me cos i am not an outstanding student in class and sometimes i dun even pay attention in his class.duno sometimes also fall asleep in class now i know he lives in sengkang cos he was wearing his home clothes waiting for the bus..thinking bac, he feel tat he is reali a nice teacher who dun get angry at all, but teaching wise reali CMI..after which went to bugis with jy for angela autogragh session de, but it was cancalled eventually when to pray at the temple.yeah, i got a bad lot when i ask for something from the budda.actually i do feel sad when i see tat bad description, but i told myself it might not be true cos sometimes wat is written in tat lot isnt tat true at all.ok,this week gonna prepared for the worst liao.cos results will reali be coming out,most prob on this fri luck to me then.i hope if tat day i will be crying will also becos i am too happy over my results.
ok,yesterday there is this cat sitting outside my doorstep and i was so shocked tat i scream out cos as usual i am still scared of animals mah and moreover tat cat is super stubborn and fat to leave my doorstep.had a hard time making it leave my doorstep.
ok i am equally tired todae.

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