Thursday, March 27, 2008

~so ke lian to the extent tat i got to bring office work bac home~

yesterday life is kinda tired and shagged for me cos i have to bring bac work to do cos i was given last min things to do and the deadline is today.since i felt tat i confirm cant finish today, so i bo bian have to bring bac my work home to do..seriously i duno why as a temp i must work so hard as compared to those perm staff.actually my colleague was supposed to give me work few days bac so tat i need not rush and panic last min,but damn, she keep dragging day by day and finally she decided to teach me how to do it and i bo bian have to finish by hook or by crook by today.and worst still,tat task tat i am given is veri tedious to do and the information is here and there and i got to collate and combine everything,then after tat write nicely for everything before i can key into the system. now, thinking bac, i know why she choose me to do of all the ppl in my department.she knows tat i wont say "no" to her if she were to ask me do tat allocated task.if she were to give this to other ppl,probably ppl might show her black face.ya,i also bu shuang, but wat can i do?? anyway temp are always the one who often get bullied by the perm staff,so wat to do man.and becos of HER,i onli slept for 3hrs onli just to complete her work.wa lao eh, now i am super tired and shagged sia..reali feel like sleeping now..then yesterday she and the big boss asked me to join them for steamboat todae at taka.but wat puzzled me was why did they suddenly invite me to join them for steamboat instead of my other colleague in my department.i am not as close with them either or perhaps she is just pei seh tat i have to do last min things for for the big boss,i guess tat she invite me cos her pet ask me go for steamboat,so naturally she is agreeable to it.sian man.i am reali so so tired ...some on i reali need a break if not for tat money.
yesterday i am reali glad tat my student has some improvement cos she finally made an effort to at least try practising wat i taught her so far.cos its no point i talk and teach so much, and yet she didnt try to practise out.yeah,at least yesterday lesson was quite least she did learned something.and yesterday i was reali pissed off waiting for the 185 bus cos i waited 45 min just for the bus.if i have walk home from my student's house,probably it would be faster than taking tat stupid bus home.and becos of it, i miss 50 mins of my favourite show !
OK,todae,work is veri loaded also.hai~ sian, i am so tired !

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