Sunday, March 30, 2008

~this is bad cos every wk i am drinking!!~

last fri was reali a terrible day cos i have to finish tat bloody consolidation thingy which is like damn mafan and fed up cos information is everywhere and i have to arrange the information according to the customers' details and its damn freaking this kind of rubbish job i have to do since the others are busy with their own stuff.then last fri also drank with the gers in my office at abt 5pm cos i felt tat i am obliged to drink since my big boss offered me to drink.i cant possibly rejected ppl kindness rite, though i reali dun feel like drinking cos i dun like to drink!! i once told myself tat champaigns and red wine taste reali terrible, but now i actually find it ok now.oh man, i thought tat could a deterrence for me to drink, but looks like i am getting used to the horrible taste of red wine and champagine.alright, tat day i onli drink slips of it out of courteousy. the remaining ones i threw the drink away.though i know i am veri wasteful cos that campagin isnt cheap at all, but i dun care liao la, cos drinking is bad for health !! but i didnt threw it in the office la cos wat if they saw it then i die i brought the cup outside the office and threw in on my way bac.they always give me so much of the red wine and sometimes i bo bian have to finish in order not to waste it since the red wine is reali expensive man.
sat was still working on my brother scholarship stuff again.yes, finally i am almost done with his schloarship stuff after so many weeks since weekdays i am usually not free..then sat evening went to NTU with my parents for dinner.first went to canteen 1 to eat western food,but since the variety was reali limited, so went to canteen 2 for our next stop.but after tat we reaslied tat there are lots of ppl and so we went to canteen 16 followed by 13.yup,ate the korean food tat the tv once advertise before.yeah tat canteen kinda ulu man but i think the pricing was kinda worth it since i was quite a big serving and it onli cost $3.80.ok, next time i shall go there eat again once a while if i study in NTU =)
sun was pretty much rotting away watching the vcd tat i borrowed from my student.yes, i owe her for many weeks le.last few weeks are reali busy la,so haven reali watch at all. this sat has an "outing" with them but i think its much more of a celebration for me.though its super early to celebrate on this sat but i am reali touched tat my friends are celebrating my 21st with me.reali,i am saying this from my bottom of my heart...initally i reali didnt have the intention of celebrating le since anyway birthday dun reali mean much to me since i dun usually celebrate ir unless friends celebrate it with me.yeah,perhaps 21st is onli once in a lifetime,so i should reali enjoy to which restaurant to go, i am still clueless cos as u know i dun usually go resturants to eat de.the common places i usually eat is fast food,food court and i reali have to crack my head liao.yesterday finally went jogging since its been many many weeks since i last jog le.yes, i jog for 10 rounds before it rains in the night..
oh man,today is reali rotting day.ever since 8.30am, i have nothing to do til now..its almost 12pm le..yet i have nothing to do..oh man, i have a bad news cos i think my office comp is affected with virus due to the stupid msn link tat i have gotton from my friend.its looks like:
3hrs of sleep yesterday.super shagged now...* said: hey check this .. .. brb ..dear friends,pls dun click on this when u see this cos its virus and i onli came to know abt it today onli til jeff told me abt it.i am reali reali sorry who kana tat virus becos of me.anyway i am trying to do something abt the office comp now, else if i affect the whole system then i will die man !

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