Wednesday, March 12, 2008

~i have a title in my job! tat's surprising!~

yesterday went to visit yk at tan tock seng hospital since he was down with dengue fever.yes, it was tat seriously..but he is on his way to recovery le, so glad for him.talking abt the journey to his ward,its super ulu and isolated la.not to mention tat its quite errie and jun yi had a hard time searching for the place cos its reali totally out of the tan tock seng building though it is claimed to be tan tock seng's ward.yeah,tat's reach home kinda late le since TTHS is kinda far from my house.yesterday becos my student wanted to cancel lesson AGAIN and postphone to todae,tat's why can go visit yk de.anyway she is kept apologizing to me,but i feel its excuses la.anyway i cant be bothered to angry with her too cos i am used to her pattern its not surprised tat she wanted to change lesson again and again for countless times liao.but todae i decided tat since she wants me to come early to teach her but timing wise abit cant be fixed since i got work leh.its not as if i am not working like i cant possibly take leave just to teach i told her tat i cant come to teach her and forgo tat one lesson's fees tat i could earn actually.
todae one of my colleague was telling me tat my title was promoted to customer service manager and it was published on the net.she say tat she is envy of me but surprising i dun feel anything happy abt this promotion from a customer service representative to customer service MANAGER.lohz,though the name sounds reali nice ah, but seriously speaking i still duno lots of stuff lah,if fact my the other colleagues are the ones helping me to "Clear my inquires from the customer.."so there is reali nothing to be proud abt..i am reali scared those ppl will be jealous of me cos i think their heart might think tat its unfair..but i reali cant be bothered abt such things de cos its so lame man.moreover i am a temp too and i will be leaving in 1.5 cant be bothered to be engaged in this company ranking policy.come on, maybe i am more hardworking in picking up phone call onli and finishing up my work on time,but i seriously was shocked to see my title as customer service.ok,but i am reali scared tat in future they might not want to help me =(

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