Monday, March 17, 2008

~get" bullied " again~

todae i finally knows who complains abt me tat time le.hai~i am upset to hear tat its actually one of my close colleague tat i like the most among the rest of them,but it was an indirect way of saying me la. cos she didnt pin point it was me, but all of ppl says tat she is trying to say abt me in an indirect way.hai~ why are ppl like tat de loh, i thought they are nice and friendly in front of u, but actually they are not reali so..but after tat they found a joke on her cos she made a mistake while trying to complain tat i am slow in releasing the SOL..the mistake tat she made was she went to the wrong screen,so obviously forever the sale orders cant be released moral of the story is she has made the mistake and i am not slow in any way.-bleah-
i reali look forward to the orentation cos i can play and go bac sch enjoy uni days before i stepped into society offically to work.sigh.working life is indeed not easy man.though mentally u will feel relaxed,but physically, its not..
Actually i duno if he is still working in NTU or not cos i am reali clueless where he is now.but i reali hope tat i can see him in ntu,be it by chance or far away glance of him will do. tat's the onli request tat i hope to get cos i reali wan to know if he is getting on fine or not.nope, i have no other intention le cos i have no feelings for him le, just wanna to be concern for him as a friend onli.afterall he is once tat i like alot. and yes, luv him too,but it was in the past.perhaps for now, i am not fit to say "Love" this word cos its been ages and yrs since i am attached and i have lost the feelings to love.

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