Monday, March 31, 2008

~eye power has increased..oh no!!~

yesterday was a super super slack day cos i have never been so slack before since i have reali nothing to do..well,it feels reali gd to be paid for 6.5hrs and yet i onli did 2hrs of work..wah, tat feeling is reali to why is it like tat,its becos the sale person tat i am under is super damn slack, and she always like to forward me mails late in the afternoon.before tat she will take her own sweet time to eat breakfast and talk and walk around the indirectly, i am affected by her..but never mind, since i am paid wat,who cares so much man. then yesterday duno why they so weird la, ask me drink again in office during the late afternoon.wa lao i think they are reali siao man.seriously i dun understand wat's so nice abt drinking loh,moreover its super bad for health. so i rejected them and said tat i dun feel like drinking todae..yeah, i must stop myself from drinking,else i will get addicted to it yesterday,tat 2hrs of work are reali damn lot and i got to rush reali fast cos i have to meet my agent to pass my time sheet to them.yeah,after work went to town there to meet the agent,after which went to collect my free trial colour contact lens.haha, seriously i doubt i will wear contact lens de cos i am so scared..i am just taking for the fun of it onli nia and since there is free eyecheck with it, so why not go for it.its been 3 yrs since i last went for my eye check.and the jialat thing is tat my estigmatism has increased quite a lot.short sightedness still remains relatively constant.well, i guess i reali have to take better care of my eyes, if not my power will continue to increase and i will become more blind.after tat went to meet my brother army "Friend" to collect my brother hp stuff..after which proceeded to jp to window shop.actually yesterday i have the intention of buying clothes again since it was on sale again and its reali cheap, but i told myself tat i cant anymore cos if not my mum will scream at me again cos i have been buying clothes for the last consecutive weeks.then yesterday saw my sec 1 guy classmate and he called out for me.seriously i reali envy him for having such a lasting relationship with the sch mate of mine in sec sch.they have been dating since sec 2 and til now they are still together !! yup, hopefully one day i can find such a nice and chi qing guy.
todae is another boring day usual,i haven been doing anything from morning til now and currently its already 2 pm soon.oh man, its reali super super slack.and jialat man now,cos my office comp is showing syptoms of virus infections.oh my god, i duno how man,cant tell them tat i gotton virus due to msn rite?? oh shit, this is damn wat..Lately, mo mo ren has been wanting to meet up with me, but this lousy qm dun feel like cos i am not close with him..or rather i still find him a stranger despite talking to him once face to face onli..yup.tat's the conclusion.

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