Sunday, March 23, 2008

~i was quite enjoyable with him..hehe.~

last thur was seriously a terrible day for me cos i have so much work to do til i have to do OT.heng, some of the work my colleague help me finish off, else i might onli be able to go off at 7pm.nevertheless i wont complain working extra hours since i am paid for OT who cares..
fri was a public holiday.initally wanted to nuah at home do my brother scholarship cos its reali piling more and more work for me to settle for him and some of the deadline is nearing, so i reali need to finish up watever i owe him and send it out to the scholarship place.after which, afternoon went out to shop first before meeting CH for church service. yeah, bought 2 shirts on tat day,one dress and one top.and it was on sale !! yeah =) initally was supposed to meet him @ 4pm de at expo control station, but his camp book out time was delayed, so ended up meeting at 6.30 pm like tat.yeah, he brought his parents along to watch the drama tat the CHC church has staged up for performance.seriously i think tat their sound system is reali damn gd, just like watching a concert..that nite, i hardly got any chance to talk to him since his parents was around and we veri long never see each other liao, so i was hoping tat i could at least get some chance to talk to him.but looks like he is busy accompanying his mum, so i chatted with his other friend's instead.and tat day,i took glances of him when everyone has to pray with their eyes closed.hehe cos he look veri nice and shuai with his eyes closed.-diao- qm is reali going crazy soon man, tat time i almost reali fall in love with him, but ended up having a crush on him for a short while.heng man.but he shouldnt be back again cos i have made myself forgotton him le, and suddenly he contact me again.hai~but i cant make him sense tat i like him before, cos else things will be veri awkward.but i myself also find amusing tat i am willing to go for church service when i hate to listen to preaching talks and i reali go church service just for him.oh no, tat's not qm cos i am not like tat de.anyway i will try to stay as far as possible as him cos i reali want to forget him !!haiz~
sat was another scolding and nagging session from my piano teacher again.hai~ sian, i am just turning a deaf ear to watever he says cos he always like to scold and nag at me de loh.i think practically every lesson i got to endure his never ending nagging.after tat continue to do my brother scholarships.seriously i am reali pissed doing all these stuff for him cos it seems never ending de loh, and i becos of tat i never have the time to do my own things and the 2 vcd tat i borrowed from my student have yet to watched at all.sian man.
sun was quite an enjoyable day for me cos going for chalet birthday..but the disappointing thing is tat the buffet wasnt tat nice,but taste still edible la.wat shocked me was the birthday guy went for a complete makeover til i cant recognised its him cos he dyed his hair and the clothes he wear is reali not his usual style of wearing.but anyway he still looks nice tat night.yeah, on my way to the chalet saw ben at city hall mrt stop so we took the train together and chatted the entire journey til we reach paris ris.after which we took a shutter bus to aloha chalet.yes, on the journey chatted with him quite alot mostly on uni stuff and the grades tat i have gotton this time.haha, why is everyone giving me tat look when i told him i fail gp again.ben was like saying tat : " if i were u ,then i would bang myself.."haha, i laugh out in amusement cos i reali never pass gp in my entire 4 yrs jc before, so its not surprising i fail gp in A levels,despite my 2nd round of taking A levels. but yeah, tat chat with the eye candy in the bus was kinda nice feeling.haha, but i must say he has became more matured since the day i knew him =) and this eye candy always teased me as "ghost " becos of my name and yesterday i was wearing bright red since the theme for the bday was bright colours.and he said tat i am a ghost who is seeking for revenge,lohz.he see too much ghost movies and shows liao la.but anyway we still ended up chatting happily la though he and his another friend always like to tease me..
anyway yesterday they ask me if i am celebrating for my bday or not and my ans was a firm no.sigh, i think i have disappointed my friends,but i thought of it liao if i relai wan to celebrate. who should i invite for celebration? yeah and my house is so empty, cant possibly hold a celebration at my house rite and moreover my mum dun like ppl to come to our house for gathering for many various reasons, so its unlikely.anyway i think they are going to hold a celebration for me instead,but i reali feel bad abt it cos i should be the one who is treating ppl instead of the other way round. =( ..haha, but this yr i do hope for some present.hopefully a nice big fashionable bag or mp4 or some other practical things tat i can use oftenly.hehe..but one of my wish is to see him to who is him, i guess no one knows except me.i still kept the things tat he gave to me.tat small converse grey bad tat he has given me as a christmas present is still not used yet cos i wan to keep it as a memo.hai~ if he can talk to me at least one sentence, then tat would be my greatest present le cos its been many many yrs le and i haven heard any news of him.i have no idea how is he doing, but i believed he should be fine =) anyway 2-3 weeks to 21 yrs old soon.haha, can get to enjoy lots of previleges which i cant get earlier on when i am 20.cheers ppl !

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