Wednesday, March 26, 2008

~Company policy~

recently i reaslied that my company got lots of "company policies"...over lunch,my small boss would talk abt the sales people and i realised tat they are indeed not as simple as wat i thought.ya,right from the start they shouldnt be tat simple when they are working under the sales line.i always realised tat why does this company is so special tat ppl can go for morning breakfast during office hours for 1 hour or more.and those ppl can take 2 hours lunch and yet the boss is also one of those group of ppl.whenever they cant hit their target, if you are the boss pet, then the boss will try to take other colleague sales and cover up for her pet's sales target.and i reali canot take it when the big boss actually scold f***-ing twice yesterday.this is the sec time i am hearing vulgar from her liao.shouldnt be boss set a gd role model for employees? ya, i think she is reali a "gd model" to the extent tat everyone in the company is using vulgar quite oftenly now.sometimes, their vulgar is so chime tat i cant understand at all.oh my god, hopefully i dun wan to be influence under them,neither do i wan to be one of them.
oh no,today i got piano lesson again.hai~ sian man, duno wat my student will say again. i will reali get pissed off if she says she didnt practice her piano again.but dun worry i wont get pissed out in front of her..

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