Monday, March 03, 2008

~fate gonna decided on fri~

yesterday the news announched tat the A level results will be out this fri..yes,my fate is going to be decided on this day le..acually i am not veri scared now.the onli subject tat i am reali reali scared and worried for is my gp.duno why no matter wat, i can never pass gp and the day when i pass gp will be just once in a blue moon and those pass is just those barely borderline short,my grades for gp is just veri jialat.
ever since from last wed,this wanted man has ecaped from the detention centre and somehow he has yet been caught.yeah and now the police are imposing a search warrant throughout the entire whole nation.seriously such serious thing is my first time experiencing in spore cos this guy is quite dangerous. and wat stunned me today when i took a bus to work tat time was actually i saw a poster of the arrest warrant of this malay guy pasted at the glass of the bus door.yeah,everyone was quite curious wat is it all abt and can see tat they are reading through tat notice poster carefully.yeah,i think the guy is someone who is smart and has lots of brain.else,usually given the effectiveness of the police force,usually one whould be caught within days le.
hai~starting from this wk onwards, i will be quite busy to handle my brother appllication uni stuff,his sholarship and my application for my uni stuff too.but thinking too much now doesnt help at all cos everything can onli be decided once the results are out.

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