Wednesday, February 27, 2008

~big shot ppl @ company~

todae got lots of big shots ppl from other regions of our company branch coming down to spore for meeting.yeah, so i was told to dress nicely since yesterday i wore slipper to work.haha,i think i am realli the bold one who likes to wear slipper to work.although one shouldnt wear slipper to work cos its office hours and one should dress correctly,but i still bo chap la.actually i have wore slipper quite a couple of times to work liao and since big boss didnt say anything so i continue to wear it loh..ok,so todae decided to wear a skirt instead of the usual jeans.its been a long time since i last wore a skirt..somehow i do feel a bit weird and uncomfortable in skirt..haha.
todae work seems pretty ok cos my colleagues are busy entertaining those guests,so i got less work to do.kay,tml will be super stress cos its month end liao and everyone needs to clear everyday.though i am not reali affected cos i doubt those ppl will approached me to do work for them since i duno anything.ok,tml i shall be more alert and try not to disturb them so far, else i might kana get scolded.i predict tml lots of ppl will have black face hai~
ok i better to be prepared for next week liao cos i am confirm tat next week results will be out le..hai~hopefully things wil go well for me cos i have encounter so much obstacles liao and i have enough of it le..though i always tell myself tat as long as one dun get discouraged and if u are willing to learn from mistakes,then things will certainly goes well de.but are you sure abt tat? to me tat's still quite questionable..

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