Sunday, February 03, 2008

~things has turn out better le =) ~

ok for now, things have reali turn out better le.i reali took out my courage to say this out and discard my pride and somehow things reali have became better le.pehaps earlier on i reali think too much liao.sat i was still sick, so decided to stay at home and go nowhere cos i wanted to take a rest and nuah at home watch tv..i realised tat recent yrs, i keep falling sick veri often,it just seems tat my body resistance is more prone to the attack of bacteria in this recent yrs..ok, tat's bad cos when i was young, i rmb its veri hard for me to fall sick de.and i also realised tat lots of my guy friends know how to make pineapple tarts cookies for cny.wa, they are so, myself, being a ger duno how to bake such things lah.ok, this just shows how bad am i in cooking and baking things.actually if i got the chance to learn baking things, i wouldnt mind taking time off to learn cos i find tat it can be quite an interesting thing to learn and moreover i like to eat these kind of cny cookies.if i know how to make, then i can eat like siao whenever i got nothing to eat during tea break and zhuo bo time.haha.
sun went out with my mum to expo to shop.initally i didnt want her to tag along de cos she always like to control watever i buy, so i find her reali a nag tagging along with me when i am going for shopping.yes, eventually i didnt manage to stop her from following me so she tagged along and yes i was right,she kept on controlling wat i buy.hai~sian man, go out shopping with her still must get her approval to buy things.aiya its my money wat, not her money,why bother so much on wat i spent long as i dun buy super ex things then i see no reason why she like to control so much loh.yup, after tat went to je to search around for hp shop to service my brother hp which is at my brother's friend there.yes, tat hp of mine reali took a plane from taiwan to spore.haha,. and i was so shocked to hear when i need to fork out $80 just to repair tat LCD screen and its considered the cheapest liao when some shops told me tat my repair service could go up to $150..damn man, my brother is going to get a scolding from me liao.hmm..i am still considering to service tat hp or not cos afterall the shopkeepers told me tat its not worth repairing tat phone considering tat the money for repair services could be use to buy a new hp liao.yesterday i suddenly thought of XXX.yes, i reali miss the days when all of us gather together for bbq,esp those instructors.yeah, probably one of my 21st birthday wish to get to see them again and probably get in touch with them again.somehow u just miss the ppl tat u dun get to see often when u are working cos working life reali sucks esp when i find tat me and my colleagues belongs to 2 different world,meaning like wat they usually does in my leisure time is totally different from mine.they go gym and drinking, but i dun at are just totally different lah.

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