Monday, February 25, 2008

~Why is it so hard to say a happy birthday..~

this week i am finally going bac to my normal self le..phew, thank god.last wk my mind is just in a swirl and my mind is totally damn messed up.yesterday was my mum birthday and my dad purposely bought her a "small cake" to hong her and tell her tat i told him to buy on behalf of my dad wans me to wish my mum happy birthday,but duno why i couldnt say this happy birthday wish to her..afterall we always argue adn quarrel and suddenly my dad wan me to say nice things to her,somehow it seems to be abit weird and funny.yeah, u know,its tat kind of feeling tat cant be reali explained.
talking abt going on dates,if i were to like a guy, no matter how tired am i, i would die die also drag myself there so as to see him.yes,tat's the power of having a crush..hehe.its been a long time since i last seen his msg and yes, msg i just gotton a msg from him.ok, i thought it was something great,but to my disappointment it turn out likewise.hai~ok,i shouldnt ponder so much le,anyway i have told myself tat i got to wake up my idea liao ever since tat time he said something without realising my feelings.ok,today workload is super much.damn,not even a single chance to slack at all.sian man.

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