Wednesday, February 13, 2008

~my hands are freaking pain and tired~

lately my fingers and hand feel reali painful and suan after long hours of non stop typing.jialat man, now i play piano also feel pain.hai~i think now i am abit sian of admin work liao,probably after my contract finish i wan to change line liao.sian man, and my pay is kinda pathetic after deductions to CPF..hai~ duno how much i can save up for uni also, cos tat amt seems veri insignificant to the amt tat i need to pay for the study loan and interests.jialat man, i think next time i must set my expectation higher liao.else forever i cant earn much money de.seriously it feel shoik to have a personal comp cos i can do watever i am,haha, sometimes when i am sian i will tend to download songs or sometimes i will watch crunchyroll online secretly.loh, i think tat's veri bold of me.but i onli dare to watch crunchyroll when boss is not around la.if she is around, of cos i will behave myself de la.

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