Wednesday, February 20, 2008

~Damn it !!! ~

sian man, working life is reali veri veri sian !!! i think i am starting to be a robot cos everyday also do the same thing until i am reali super sian of it liao..hai~everyday i would repeat the same old steps again and again and up to now my hands and fingers have yet to recover.somehow it still feel quite painful and suan..sigh..and yesterday that student of mine made me wait for around 35 min..wah sian loh,if she is late, then at least she should inform me wat..she didnt even inform me and made me wait for so long ..her maids are kinda apologetic towards me, but i told them its ok la.but in future at least should tell me so tat at least i need not have to rush after work until like wat just to reach her "House" on time mah..anyway i think she is reali quite spoiled by her parents.yes, i think her parents are super damn rich cos yesterday i wanted to go to the toilet so her maid brought me to her parents' room and i was reali shocked to see how big and nice the room is..oh my god, i almost couldnt believe it cos it just seems to be like some palace and all their futnitures are super high class and imported from those countries de..oh my god, i think her mum's room is half tat of my HDB flat la..ok i think i cant never get to enjoy such gd life man, unless i marry a rich guy..haha.ok, i am dreaming too much,
weekend is reali coming liao..ok shoik man, at least i can rest again..sat got to go for some ntu talk @ suntec,hopefully from there can let me find out more abt my interest and wat i want to study..lohz, i think even if u give me how many yrs to think carefully abt wat i reali want to ans would still be the same cos i am lost as usual..sun i shall stay at home to chiong watch some taiwan vcd serial tat my student lent it to weekend wil be a busy week for birthday celebration to attend to and meet up with my yj phy tutor..ok,actually i am abit sian to go for tat thing on sun but i think it would be bad again if i were not to turn up again for the thing.
jialat man, i think i am reali "sick" now cos something is very very wrong with me..oh man,this is worst than liking someone.ok, i better get out of this weird thoughts,else i reali got to do something abt it.sigh..
results will be out reali soon,yes high chance tat it will be next week cos tat will be end of feb liao..oh no, i reali dare not look at my result slip again.wat if i got a D7 for gp again then i will reali faint man.ok, though D7 is not veri bad to the extent tat u cant enter uni, but its just tat NUS will be hard to enter unless u got veri gd grades for ur main subjects.haiZ~ why is it tat when u are working, u would think bac how sch is like and think bac how nice it was if i were to go bac sch study..anyway i am going to be jobless again after april when my contract ends.

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