Wednesday, February 13, 2008

~valentine 2008~

this yr valentine is as usual,no dates at all..haha, duno to feel sad or happy.but i do envy of ppl who receives bouquet of flowers.though i am someone who dun appreciates flowers and neither am i romantic at all,but i do hope to receive flowers on such events.haha.but too bad,i have no such luck to receive such things.then,today morning got delivery of flowers to my company and it was meant for a female colleagues.ya, 2 received two bouquet of flowers.wah, so sweet lah, so everyone in the company was kpo abt who sent it to her.and it turn out to be her bf and some other guy.the rest of my colleagues got no flowers,tat includes me.i think this company of mine quite cool man,all females and one pathetic male onli.and many at times, this particular tomboy colleagues of mine seems so cute la such tat at times i do feel attracted towards to her..haha,but i am certain tat i am still straight ! haha. and she is quite nice too, and i am happy working under her though many times she always give me lots of work to do, but duno why i dun feel fed up at all.
this week , tat big boss from australia came to our company for duno wat reason la, and heng i am not this week kinda abit relax for me cos during their lunch time,nobody will be around, so i can "eat snake" a while, but somehow i realised tat wherever i "eat snake" , i tend to not finish my work at the end of the day.and it happens on tat day all the ppl in my dept has finished work liao, but i still owe my tomboy colleague work so i cant possibly go home first the boss from my dept asked me when i can finish and tat cleaner auntie keep hurrying me to go home cos both of them cant go home if i haven go home.such a weird logic right? so i told them tat they need not have to bother abt me and so i ask them to go first.but after tat my boss told me tat she cant let the temp (me) leave later than her mah since she is the boss and tat australia big boss is around too. i think as to why she said tat is becos she scared of malu and will lose face of the temp is more hardworking than anyone.but the truth is, i am not tat hardworking, i cant finish work cos i slack too much earlier on when they are not have to stay bac to complete my work before i leave mah.anyway i feel tat in the working world, ppl are so fake la,always like to put up shows for ppl to see. but i wouldnt care de cos i still continue to do wat i am even when boss is around.
yesterday when i went to my student "house" to teach her piano, then the ppl over there thought tat i am her friend..loh..maybe i look too young liao tat reali canot man, i think i got to dress more matured esp when i go work cos else ppl wont respect u when u work.but i would rather look young than old =) cos women youth is the most important assets..initally tat tomboy colleague of mine thought tat i am underage.dots...tat's even worst..lohz..anyway yesterday my student gave me a small present as valentine gift..haha, its kinda sweet of her..but yesterday i am abit demoralized cos somehow my student find my lesson abit sian and dry..but no choice wat, i need to teach her the basic before she can proceed further.the feedbac tat she gave was i tend to teach alot of chime things.but i am already trying to teach easy stuff liao.i admit tat wat i taught her wasnt beginner standard, but afterall it would be for her gd to know more mah, cos learning too simple things wont benefit her de and moreover its not practical to learn too simple things becos its unlikely to get such simple piece in real life.anyway i am reali trying hard to teach her simple things liao, but to me i feel tat sometimes it hard to teach simple things cos u have been learning difficult things liao and somehow when u wan to teach easy things, then it will be hard.phew, hopefully everything will be a breeze ba cos whenever i think of teaching her, i will get headache as to how should i teach her in a simple way.jialat,somehow teaching isnt simple at all.hai~
this weekend will be all occupied le.sat cny gathering wit my secondary sch mates,sun got to attend friend's birthday celebration.mon dinner with a friend.lohz..everything in a roll,i think i will be dead beat.but i am still thinking if he wans to come out on sat then probably i might forgo my cny gathering ba. i duno wat's wrong with me la, but at times i do feel disappointed with him.sadded man.hai~
kay, i got to do my work liao, else i cant complete my work again !!

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