Friday, February 01, 2008

~xin hao fann~

lately i have been feeling reali fann over so many things.sorry if i will snap at ppl or get pissed off towards ppl for some small issues.yeah,duno why also lah,lately has been in a terribly bad mood.first issue was,how should i tell him tat everything is just a misunderstanding? or maybe i just think too much,perhaps things are not so bad as wat i imagine?aiya duno lah, lee qin min got so many things to handle with, going to go crazy soon.hopefully this chinese new yr will give me sufficient break to take a rest off everything.i need not have to teach, neither do i have to work and most imptly i need not have to see my freaking piano teacher's face.duno why i reali dislike this piano teacher veri much.he is so impatient and keep scolding me.see him liao also sian..todae's piano lesson was reali a super pissed off day for me.what it actually happens was i find my teacher reali damn rude la.come on lah,i am just having slight flu and cough and he keep isolating me and he sit reali far when he teach me.and one thing i cant tolerate him is that he is damn bloody rude cos he kept on covering his nose and mouth when he teach me.wat the bloody hell man,its not as if i got some disease tat can spread to ppl,eg like aids.even if its aids, it wont spread through air transmission conclusion he is just a bad mannered teacher.just now i reali feel like telling him off by bringing his mum into his pict saying tat his mum is so bad in teaching his son upbringing.but i didnt cos i think it would be veri veri rude of i will tolerate !!!! actually just now i was scolded so bad tat i wanted to cry out liao but i reali bear with it cos i told myself tat i shouldnt be defeated so easily and i am 21 this yr le, so cant drop tears tat easily.endure and tolerate will be the best words to describe me now.sigh..

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