Friday, February 29, 2008

~i am getting fat!!~

oh no,i think i am getting fatter and fatter day by day cos i kept eating non stop in office.somehow everyday there is anyway nice food or junk food to make me stay awake throughout the entire day.everyday there is free flow of cookies and muffins to eat and u can eat until sian those type.yesterday and todae got restaurant buffet in our supply centre, a place for customers can chill out..yeah,tat's a reali nice place la, where u can brew ur own coffee with an expensive coffee brewer.though i have been working in this office for quite some time, but yet i didnt wan to try out the coffee though the coffee smell reali great..ok, my eyes are reali pain after staring the comp for so many many hours.ok, i think my eyesight is getting worst liao cos now i tend to see things with two images.oh no..hai...
todae i think i should have offended my colleague accidently cos i laugh and smile non stop when tat cleaner auntie says tat she wears skirt quite actual fact everyone's mentality is tat she looks kinda weird in skirt cos she reali walks like a tomboy lah and her actions just depicts a guy.oh no, when i realised tat i shouldnt laugh out like wat i usually did in sch cos its working life now, not schooling life,but tat was too late cos her face suddenly turned black at tat instant..oh no,tat's the instant when i realised tat i am reali veri rude and insensitive..ok, wat has done has already done,cant be helped most i will treat it as a learning lesson then and in future i will try to smile less loh when ppl are gossiping.hai~..why is working life so complicated de man..actually i did want to say sorry to her de, but duno how should i put it in words,.aiya ppl who knows me well do know tat i dun mean it de loh..hai~sian.
this weekend will be a busy week for me.sian.i have yet to get a birthday present for my friend yet despite i went for shopping yesterday.actually i dun reali like going for the birthday celebration tml cos i am sick of going for so many birthday celebration le.all seems the same to me loh..
sun got to meet up with jy and a teacher for preaching lesson.another sian event sorry to say tat..

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