Sunday, February 10, 2008

~first visiting for cny~

hai~sat nite i received a msg from my sec friends.i was invited to go for my sec 4 cny class gathering.though initally i did say tat i kinda miss my sec 4 close friends,but now i am considering if i wan to turn up for this gathering cos of various reasons.i think i am still not ready to tell them anything if they were to ask me where am i studying right now..duno why i still feel upset when ppl always ask me where am i studying right now..and this will leads to think bac how much time i wasted in a jc.i think results wil be out reali soon.hopefully it will be a gd one, else i reali duno how yesterday was also raising this issue to me as to wat will i do if this time round i still cant get into local tat pt of time i avoided this issue cos i dun feel like answering and thinking abt it.everything can onli be decided once the results will be out.just pray reali hard tat i can enter local uni this time round.private uni will be just impossible for me given my financial situation.
sun met up with my yr 1 jc friends for cny lunch at gin's house.haha, i love her mum's cooking.well, her mum can cook better than my mum at least and i love the cny kueh tat her mum made.those pineapples cookies and others taste so yummy..haha..yesterday gathering was kinda boring for me cos i duno how to play majong and so i decided to learn it yesterday.more birthday celebration coming up next week and the following month.jialat i better save up reali soon and spend more thrifty,else all my money will be gone.
sian man,everyone is out for lunch now with my boss from australia (an ang mo again) .so i am the onli one left in the company to pick up phone calls cos they say tat i need not go for the business lunch.heng man, i dun wan to go either cos i also dun udnerstand wat they talking abt also.sit there hear them talk also veri sian.i rather take a break in office while they are not around.haha.hai~and i realised tat more and more ppl are taking leave from my dept and tat;s kinda irritating cos i got more work to do cos i need to finish up their work for them.wa lao wat is this man,every week also one ppl taking leave.i think if i reali cant tahan tat workload then i will take one day leave too..why work so hard man when u receive the same hourly pay.sian.todae 1st day of work after cny,somehow it feels reali sian mood to work at all..sigh.and wed is coming soon,its another teahing session,sian man, i always got to crack my head wat to teach.hai~for now i think i got to get bac to work cos i reali got lots of unfinished work to do.ok i have 2.5hrs to finish my work before knock off.sigh.
me and him like quite jialat now.hai~-shake head- i also duno why things are like tat too.perhaps i am too coldhearted liao..everything also bo chap..hmm..

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