Sunday, February 17, 2008

~gathering at zheng quan's house~

Me and tanu
me,maril and yi hui
smile =)
me and maril again

last weekend was a busy weekend for me.last sat morning went for piano lesson.surprising tat freaking piano teacher of mine turn out to be quite nice to me tat day..duno why,at least he didnt scold me.haha,maybe chinese new yr still on, perhaps he find tat new yr scold ppl not too gd..after tat proceeded to zheng quan house for cny gathering.oh my god,everyone change so much.tat yi hui couldnt even recognise her liao cos of her dramatic change.gosh..she suddenly became so ger now as compared to the sec sch days when she dun reali dress until so femine.and i realised something from this seems tat most of the gers wear on make up now,as compared to the sec sch days when we rarely see them with make up.but make up reali do wonders cos everybody over there look kinda different with make up.haha, i am someone who is quite lazy to put on make up so i supposed i still look the same as before,just tat maybe face looks sharper now.hehe..yup,tat day just eat and gamble.haha, but i didnt gamble la, cos i know tat i will confirm lose money since i am quite bad in gambling.and its kinda surprising tat quite a couple of my sec sch mates owns a car now.wah, tat cool..but seriously speaking, i dare not take a ride from them cos i find insecure taking their ride since they are quite new in driving..haha.
sun evening went for matilda 21st birthday celebration.wah, her celebration was kinda grand man..haha, i feel tat i am attending a wedding dinner cos we are sitted just like the wedding style where we are allocated to our respective seats and tables.ok matilda was super pretty and she reali look like a princess or rather a hollyhood star..oh man, i like her blue gown very much,i believe tat tat blue should be quite expensive ba.yeah, she was the centre of attraction tat nite since she is the birthday girl mah.and i am kinda amazed by indian dance cos they can reali shake their body well and move gracefully along with the music.haha, and our guy friends are sabo to be called up the stage to give a dance performance and somehow i find it kinda interesting and comical..haha.i shall attached a video and u all shall enjoy tat comical dance.yeah, it was supposed to be an indian dance, but it somehow turn out to be kung fu performance.lohz..but i think their performance reali made the audience laugh out reali until canot tahan.haha.and wat tat gave me a shock was mr garnesh was invited to her birthday party.oh man, maybe i should feel heng tat i am not sitted at the same table with him and his wife cos like tat i will feel veri stress de..though he is actually ok with me, but somehow tat stress level will still be there since afterall he is still a teacher.
hai~i am sorry to say to my fellow dearest friends tat i might not be opening a party to celebrate my birthday..reason becos the cost will be quite a lot and parents not sponsering.last of all i wan to say tat sorry for not giving u guys a treat..oh man, i think i am getting fatter day by day cos i always eat unstop in office de..whenever i am sian, i will walk around to eat cookies..oh no, this is damn fatting man.then yesterday i do envy those ppl who are attached cos after the celebration ends, their another half will pick them up and drive them home just for them.wah, so sweet man,and me being a pathetic sole got to long bang my friend's cab home.ok, todae's work is kinda slacked cos my tomboy colleague is on leave for todae and tml and so i can enjoy myself,but i think when she comes bac, work wil be like hell for me. =(

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