Wednesday, January 30, 2008

~suddenly felt a sense of achievement~

yesterday i was kinda panic how the ger's mum will be like.luckily she still ok, not as bad as wat i seen in my music sch.actually i was quite scared to walk to her "home" cos tat place is industrial area and apparantly there is no females at all..i think i am the onli female walking along the streets, and yeah i duno why those contruction workers keep starting at me as if they have never seen gers before.oh man, tat place is reali scary man.kay, abt tat ger tat i am teaching,she seems reali bo chap when i teach her,somehow i feel tat she never reali pay full attention in learning,cos i always repeat the same thing again and again and it seems tat she cant get it.but i am not angry lah,in fact i still have lots of patience for her. at most she is just wasting her money onli for hiring me and like tat she cant reali learn much in one lesson.anyway tat ger is rich la.$100 to her parents should be peanuts ba.initally i reali wanted to teach her lots of stuff cos i prepared quite a lot for yesterday lesson, but it seems tat i overestimate her le.when i told her tat i am going to teach her more chime stuff then she complained tat i shouldnt teach something so chime on the 1st lesson.ok loh, i listen to her since tat's her wish..hopefully yesterday i didnt cramp her with too much things cos to me, i think those stuff tat i am teaching is reali too simple liao,maybe i didnt take into consideration tat she is onli new in music.yeah,next lesson i shall teach slowly and make sure she knows her stuff well.
todae work is so siong,well didnt have time to rest and i could onli slack a while when all of them have went out for lunch,so left me alone for my dept.hai~i duno if i am heartbroken or wat.yes, mind is veri confused now.i reali duno if i said something wrong the previous, so things turn out this way..hai~perhaps last time i shouldnt tell him abt it,then maybe things wont turn out this way..aiya duno lah, i am reali going crazy liao.why does things always turn out this way ah?last time the same thing occurs once before and now it happens again.damn shitty man, i am not going to think of such things again.

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