Thursday, January 24, 2008

~actually i do care abt it~

tml i am going to yj to visit the teachers.haha, i thought he forgot le, but somehow he still rmb..initally i thought of meeting tanu they all de, but since he is coming alone, i got to pei him since i was the one who told him tat cvd is tml.yup, hope tat tml will be an enjoyable day ba.sun i will be meeting him again for consecutive days..haha.ok, i have no comments on tat.oh man i have piano lesson tml again.wa sian man, i predict the teacher will nag at me again for not paying up my exams fees.then i think he will nag at me again for playing until so lousy.somehow i also think tat he is not happy when i say tat i am working.wa lao dun expect me to stay at home for 24 hrs just to practise piano rite?like tat i will go crazy de loh.wah, i think i reali dislike this piano teacher man.this is the sec teacher tat always give me problems man.

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